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New item for GM service... - Printable Version

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New item for GM service... - Whispers - 03-06-2011

May have already been suggested; but there are just too many possible tags to search for...

How about resetting TKM SLS maps/mobs for GM service? Hmm? =3

RE: New item for GM service... - Zaratus - 03-06-2011

You can do that without GM service.

RE: New item for GM service... - Whispers - 03-06-2011

Yeah - at a very small chance once every ten seconds so long as you're regenerating HP whilst sitting next to another TK class and in Happy Status. >_>

RE: New item for GM service... - Zaratus - 03-06-2011


RE: New item for GM service... - Whispers - 03-06-2011

One word does not make an argument, Aya.??You know exactly what predicaments I am implicating herein.??But, for the sake of argument, let's pretend you don't and your question is somehow valid.

  1. Find a TK class willing to sit there (afk or otherwise) whilst you attempt to reset your maps... which could take days.??Of course, dual-clienting is frowned upon in this latter-day heRO; which bars the owner of the TK from any further RO'ing.

    This charity is not likely to last long unless you're lucky enough to find someone who is willing to go to sleep/work with their client open for you - which happens; but not often, and not to everyone.

  2. Get into happy status!??/doridori (or hotkey it and alt+n) for a minute or five until Happy Status kicks in.

    Repeat step two every thirty minutes.

  3. Now, you need to be regenerating HP.??A gear which affects HP when equipped/upon unequipping is optimal, but you can also use Idun or have someone smack you around every now and again.??lol

  4. Finally, you need to have Peaceful Rest which increases HP Regen rate when seated next to another TK type.??Works just like Increase Recuperative Power.??Every ten seconds, you receive additional HP.

    It is also Peaceful Rest which stimulates the resetting of the SLS maps.??Although, it does this at a very low rate.

So, every ten seconds, with your boost of HP, you also have a small chance to reset your maps as long as you are in happy status.??Sounds doable, and it is; but it's extremely unlikely.??It's not as easy as resetting the death record on a SuNo.??All you need then is a linker who is willing or a linker of your own and vending on said SuNo.

I know the GM service is, at this time, for the currently otherwise impossible; such as gender resets, alliance changes, non-transferable gear transfers, char/hom/pet/guild renaming etc..??However, what I am suggesting is making the currently otherwise extremely unlikely obtainable for a fee.

I honestly wouldn't mind having the death record reset on there, too.??For when one gets desperate.??lol

RE: New item for GM service... - Demogorgon - 03-06-2011

I really support this suggestion.No1

just had to remake my sg because i messed up maps/targets and the doridori way is just way too random for my taste.

Could raise a balanceproblem however since sg can be a stupidly effective farmchar. with the service you could easily choose early doable xp targets and then just switch to incarnations,skeggs, whatever.

dont care if itd be gm service,some quest or (obviously high) fee, but another way to reset maps/targets would be great Icon_smile

RE: New item for GM service... - Zaratus - 03-06-2011

Once more, I can only ask: So?

I don't see your problem. It's possible to reset but it takes time. SG is a strong class and shouldn't be able to reset easily.

For your so-called points:
1. Find friends or pay people. Offer 2 mil per hour sitting and I promise you somebody will do it. It's not different from buying bragis/buffs for Geffenia or Dimensional Gorge.
2. Spam a button for 1 minute. Ever played a brewer? Lol. Or a DS sniper? Lol.
3. Regenerating HP, you gave your solution there. Just get a Roda Frog or Pupa Armor and you're fine.
4. Having Peaceful Rest isn't a problem either since you can reset on heRo.

Right, it's unlikely, but as I said before, SG is a strong class and shouldn't be able to swap maps easily. If you fail to reset your maps because you can't concentrate on one thing longer than a few minutes, then RO isn't the game for you.

Hey, why don't we sell mvp cards in GM service? I mean, first you gotta find an mvp (which is most likely dead because people are camping), second you have to kill it (that means you have to have a proper char with gears to kill mvps or a party), third it needs to drop a card (which is ridiculously low with 0.03 %!) and THEN *if* you are in a party, it has to drop to you. Wow, that's doable but extremely unlikely as well. So, let's get GM services for MvP Cards as well!

And if you would use a few minutes of your time to use the search function you would find that it was suggested and denied before. And don't blame your autism for that.

RE: New item for GM service... - Whispers - 03-08-2011

Way to bring up a person's mental disorder as some form of vilification.??You're obviously a good person, Aya, and I'm sure you've the respect of entire cultures.??>_>

1.??B>2m per hour.??Anyone wanna loan me 2m per hour so I can pay someone 2m per hour to sit by me?
2.??Happy Status is random and, therefor, can happen on the first /doridori, or [theoretically] the 1,000th.??I've had it take me longer than 5min to reach happy status.??I don't exaggerate, either.??D:

I'm not saying it's impossible nor am I saying it's far too difficult to ever attempt.??I've been trying for the past three days and I'm not going to give Panda five bucks to reset my maps; but I just felt it should be an option.??If we can xfer some uber-elite non-xferrable item for 5 bucks, why not reset maps???Hell, make it ten bucks, I don't care.??It just seems to me that half of GM services (nominally, the nominal ones) are there to correct mistakes.??I accidentally set the wrong Solar map.??I am trying to correct that.??If Aki (I know, not a GM) came to me and said, "Hey, Kris, Panda said if you give the server ten bucks, she'll reset your SLS maps," I'd consider it.

I also agree that 5 bucks to reset ones maps is a bit OP.??Perhaps 10 bucks???I could see someone paying 10 bucks to reset their maps so they can farm something right quick and reset back, but 20???Or, how about a cap on how many times you can reset?
I don't want people to reset their maps when they get bored or decide they wanna farm hill winds with heat.??I just want to afford people a safety net for the mistakes we all make.??Fallible and flawed - humans.??We make mistakes.

I got ~60m for [technically] 6.67 bucks of donations once.??Alice card in an OCA.??Sure, 60m isn't a full SLS reset, but it got me everything I need for my final sniper build; and - in my opinion - was far too easy for my liking and, probably, too unbalanced for the majority of heRO.??I'm still keeping all of my stuff, though.??=p

RE: New item for GM service... - Hiroishime - 03-08-2011

make a new SG, it takes 2-3 days at most if you have friends that can help

RE: New item for GM service... - Rankin - 03-08-2011

Dont play SG if you cant handle it then. I say no to this.