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Dance Part of Sign Quest updated or bugged? - Printable Version

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Dance Part of Sign Quest updated or bugged? - Trapper - 05-07-2011

I am Currently doing the dance part of the sign quest.
But i get stuck in between while walking in between the cells.
Last time when i did the dance part was on another server.
Which was easy and simple something like this and didn't get stuck at all.


So any1 also Experiencing stucking between the cells while walking.

RE: Dance Part of Sign Quest updated or bugged? - Whispers - 05-07-2011

iirc, it's "custom". >_>

RE: Dance Part of Sign Quest updated or bugged? - Trapper - 05-07-2011

Do you mean the dance part in hero is modified?
Just 2 make it more harder for us to complete it.Sweat

RE: Dance Part of Sign Quest updated or bugged? - Kittie - 05-07-2011

I think Whisper means the dancing part on the other server is modified? Not sure, haven't watched the vid, i do know however i hate that part of the sign quest. Cause to get in the room i have to stay up till 2 am, and till now my bf and i have tried the dancing party for a while and we keep failing at it (i think mostly cause we are having a hard time remember the steps.

About the "being stuck between the cells" i know exacly what you mean, both my boyfriend and i have experienced how we clicked on cells and how our character stopped before they reached the cell we clicked on. We gave up for now but some day we will get to finish it... I hope..

We tried it on a hp with ofc agi up, we tried tips from some forum and asked other players but theu just told us to keep trying cause they failed alot of times to.

Anyway, good luck i hope you'll manage it :3

RE: Dance Part of Sign Quest updated or bugged? - Former-GM-Circe - 05-07-2011

No, we have not customised it.
That's the way it comes this SVN from eAthena. It's the version we had our last SVN, as this SVN's version was once again, riddled with bugs in eAthena's release.
The only "customisation" the Sign Quest we have in currently are the fixing of several bugs, none of which were around the Dance part.

It is passable however. We've tested it and done so several times in the past (all with this SVN).

RE: Dance Part of Sign Quest updated or bugged? - Whispers - 05-07-2011

Ah. I just remember an old thread concerning someone complaining that the guide they were following didn't parallel heRO. Then someone else came and said heRO's is custom. That's why I said "iirc". I never cared to research it, myself. Just reporting what I've read elsewhere. Ok

RE: Dance Part of Sign Quest updated or bugged? - Kittie - 05-07-2011

Well i know its doable, *looks at the amount of champs hanging out at Geffen* My BF and i are just to impatient when things won't go properly haha but that not to blame on the quest xD

RE: Dance Part of Sign Quest updated or bugged? - WorldGovernment - 05-07-2011

i was the one whining about this before, lol, i had tytree crowe do it for me Laugh he said it's child's play xD damn, me < child then xP

RE: Dance Part of Sign Quest updated or bugged? - Trapper - 05-07-2011

Only Champs coz they can use snap.
But what about other class which get stuck.....
My Friend who's playing Iro told me now that there is no such thing happened 2 him during dance quest 2 months ago
And he did the dance part without getting stuck(not with champ).
But only the dust which shows where 2 walk is removed he says.
So other then champs no1 can finish this quest.Mad
And is our svn different from official servers?

RE: Dance Part of Sign Quest updated or bugged? - Zaratus - 05-07-2011

No, you're just fail. It's working completely fine, even without agi up it's easy. You just don't know how to do it.