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need help, about ban - Printable Version

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need help, about ban - pisces - 05-31-2011 06:52 PM

If sometimes i just logged in my account in my friend's computer just to check my vending, is it okay?

Will my account will be banned too if he is cheating?

Please answer this, because i often logged in with my friend's computer in my school.. thank you

RE: need help, about ban - Heartache - 06-02-2011 09:55 AM

if he is banned and you want to use his computer then you wont get in trouble, but if he is ip banned then you wont be able to log in. if he is currently cheating and hasn't been banned yet, then your account may come under suspicion o.o be careful

RE: need help, about ban - iSpam - 06-02-2011 10:12 AM

just use the cp and look at your zeny for that account rather than risking that one, although you won't know what you sold, it's safer so...

RE:??need help, about ban - Kittie - 06-02-2011 04:27 PM

Heartache Wrote:if he is currently cheating and hasn't been banned yet, then your account may come under suspicion o.o be careful

If that would be the case, its his duty as a player to report that to tye GM's.
I don't really know how that works with banning tbh, hope i'll never find out xD

RE: need help, about ban - Snowhawk - 06-02-2011 06:22 PM

Everything associated gets banned on the spot from what I've seen with the past whines about this exact same deal.

Circe Wrote:We don't ban the IP for first time botting.
We ban all accounts on the IP.

It's clearly stated in the rules that we will, and it lowers the chance of anything the botter botted from affecting the server, as most of them will move it to another account... on the same IP.