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killer instinct 3 suggestions - Printable Version

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killer instinct 3 suggestions - iSpam - 07-01-2011

1-make the chosen map tele disabled
2-make it available on any non town maps(even non MVP maps)
3-reward for killer? (like random item based on opponent's level but on a very low chance)
4-in continuation to 3, higher penalty for dying player
5-make a MVP spawn on map(GM's decision) to attract players to map
6-PK map attendance points? (works like woe timer npc)
7-auto res / 30sec? (cause it's auto kick on 2nd death right?)
8-as a replacement/addition to #5. make a custom quest wherein all NPC(moving if possible)s are on the PK map
9-extend it to 2weeks or up until next killer instinct is available in auctions
10-in addition to 4, penalty must also apply to max leveled players
11-make the warp/portal place you in a random spot in the map rather than the normal entrance itself(to prevent camping)
12-DISABLE FISH for the map
13-make a warper npc dedicated for the chosen map(or make 1st option in warper "PK map" instead of towns Evil )
14- as an alternative to #8 and #5, GMs should host events in the chosen map

so. yes or no / number and reason please. seriously, what's the point of making a map PK enabled if no one PKs? =.=

RE: killer instinct 3 suggestions - ABlueJelly - 07-05-2011

1- Tele disabled still allows bwings, so I like.


3-Do like, however hard to implement it likely is. If not for the abuse potential, I'd say some form of skull-trade-in type thing, but that would be abused so bad it'd break our econ even more.

4-NO. EXP loss is bad enough, it doesn't need to be worse.

5-some kind of lure would be nice, but remember that adds another set of that MvP's drops. Plus, if you had that instant-tele-to warp, you just gave lolsuras (and snipers for Gloom) another thing to camp that doesn't use a /memo slot.

6-Decent idea...

7-I like, though I bwing away before I die most of the time

8-Hmmm, kinda like, but I have a feeling it'd get really really really annoying on some maps if we tele-disable as well

9-Officially neutral, but I would like to point out the large number of newbs that were REALLY UPSET about Poring Island going under.

10-Just... no...

11-This is good, but remember this splits up a party as well, and with tele disabled, you basically make the map PURELY PvP for the entire duration. I'd say this one would be on a per-case basis. (Poring Island? Yes. Nameless/Thor 3? No)

12-Vageta, what does the scanner say about how bad this idea is?

13-Oh hey look instant Nameless/Thors/Odin's 3 =D GOOD IDEA BUT NOT REALLY. Econ's bad enough as is. Don't need to make those places (and others, that's just a few) even easier to camp.

14- I'm always in favor of events, but this is dependent on the GMs not being too busy. That, and I generally prefer novi events. Even though it'd be nice to do events where I have access to abilities, gears generally limit ability to participate in these (If you don't know what I mean by that, look up some MvP cards, and then the age of this server). Novi events put everyone at the same starting level and turn it into just skill (and hit-luck (not drop/grind-luck)).

RE:??killer instinct 3 suggestions - iSpam - 07-05-2011

ABlueJelly Wrote:12-Vageta, what does the scanner say about how bad this idea is?

LOL. 99 players just want risk free fun eh xP

RE: killer instinct 3 suggestions - ABlueJelly - 07-07-2011

Well, see, the reason it's generally rather empty is *because* there's a penalty for death. As much as you're trying to make it fair and more fun, that'd kill it worse.

And yeah. Fish are good.
Personally I'd say just no potting, but that's just because I find pots in PvP stupid (Hurrr hurr I can tank you with my improbable drinking skills). However, because this is on a map where people might also try to do parties... Pots are an important part of the diet of most/all lures, so I'm not gonna take that away from them.

RE: killer instinct 3 suggestions - The Legendary Joe - 07-07-2011

hmm, I wonder if it's possible to disable fwings and the tele skill but still allow the Rogue skill that tele's the target and user someplace different together, like, lets say some group is Partying together there and??is otherwise being buttheads to people who just want to use the map for the monsters. That way,??HaY! I can teleport their priest out of there They're more liable to DIE now.

Sure, you lose a rogue in the process, but that's a valuable sacrifice for Team PVP.

RE: killer instinct 3 suggestions - ABlueJelly - 07-07-2011

Joe, I think you and me would get along quite well =D

RE: killer instinct 3 suggestions - iSpam - 07-07-2011

@joe. can intimidate work in kiel1? if yes, then yes :D