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B> +6/7 Cross Shield Uncarded or with Thara - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: B> +6/7 Cross Shield Uncarded or with Thara (/showthread.php?tid=20206)

B> +6/7 Cross Shield Uncarded or with Thara - Menace651 - 08-17-2011

Like title says, looking to buy a +6/7 Cross Shield Uncarded or with Thara. Offering 12m for a +6 and 17m for a +7. Will pay more if carded with Thara.

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RE: B> +6/7 Cross Shield Uncarded or with Thara - mahawirasd - 08-18-2011

just curious, don't you think 17m for a +7 and 12m for a +6 underpriced for a cross shield? Ever tried hunting one yourself?


RE: B> +6/7 Cross Shield Uncarded or with Thara - Menace651 - 08-18-2011

I know I'm kind of taking a random stab at the value here based on what I've seen. You don't exactly see a lot of people asking for these on @main or forumns. I know regular ones run 5.5m-6.5m and I've seen a +6 one go for 10m on vend. +7 wools go for aounrd 20m and are in more of a demand and value than a Cross Shield IMO so I'm placing the value of it somewhere just below that. I know they are hard to hunt(only drops from Satan Morrocs) but I don't think that nessescarily makes them more valuable. But I am always open to negotiation on the price if anyone has it.

RE: B> +6/7 Cross Shield Uncarded or with Thara - iSpam - 08-18-2011

incarnation morroc*