heRO-Server Forum
Server's Specs and Perks - Printable Version

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Server's Specs and Perks - GM-Pandora - 08-24-2006

heRO is a private Ragnarok Online server, but it's also a great project, we do our best to make our server a fun place to be for everyone. We also ensure that the server is balanced, but we customize it to make it our own special RO world.

Server Specifications:

The server runs on a dedicated computer (P4 3 GHz, 2 GB DDR Ram Memory) on Linux (very stable).
The Patch Server and Control Panel are on a different computer.

We barely ever have any down time and if we need to keep the server down for maintenance it's advertised in advance.

Rates are 5/5/3, with quest exp being 5x

2 Woe per week:

Our server is WOE-oriented, to keep the wars fun and action-filled we only opened fewer castles than official servers. The server is based in EST time (Eastern part of America), but we tried to make sure the hours were also convenient for PST residents (Pacific) and that the WOE hours do not prevent most people from having a social life.

* Wednesday Night, 1 hour long (Trans WOE only):
9:00 PM - 10:00 PM (EST)

* Sunday Afternoon, Trans WOE 1 hours long:
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM (EST)
* Sunday Afternoon, Retro WOE 1 hours long:
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM (EST)

See this post for more regarding WOE hours: http://pandoraonline.net/forum/showthread.php?tid=2021

Active GMs

* GMs are there to answer your questions and/or point you in the right direction for finding what you need.
* We hold lots of fun events (taming, hide and seek, town invasion, trivia, pvp tournament and more)
* We add custom quests, even player-written quest (see Quest Event in forum).

Custom features:

Chronicles of the Heroes
Our server's own storyline, watch as it unfolds with YOU as the characters!
Check this section for more information: http://pandoraonline.net/forum/forumdisplay.php?fid=9

????* Join the Light or Dark side by talking to the Allegiance NPC in Prontera
????* Special color palette for each Allegiance, show your colors!
????* Earn Allegiance points (Light or Dark) by completing our custom quest or participating in special Light VS Dark events!
????* Get special hero gears with your Allegiance points!

Custom NPCs

????* Healer (for a fee)
????* Reset Master with adaptive prices (the higher level you are, the more expensive it gets Icon_razz)
????* City and Dungeon Warper with unlockable warps (for a fee)
????* Special DB room and DB seller
????* Stylist with lots of custom palette colors and hairstyles
????* PVP warper (gives you a choice of 4 PVP rooms and tells you how many players in each)
????* Banker
????* So much more ^_^

All jobs before renewal

????* All reborn
????* Super novice
????* Baby classes with working adoption system + custom orphanage.
????* TK family classes (TK, Star Gladiator, Soul Linker)
????* Ninja/Gunner

More fun stuff

????* Our own Mining and Fishing system (mine for ores, stones and more! or fish for edible hp/sp recovery items.)
????* Main channel (communicate with all the server, turn if off if you don't feel social)
????* Great community (we try our best to have the server rules respected to keep the server a fun environment for all)
????* Roleplaying is welcome (but not mandatory) (Join the others at the RP Tavern or just socialise in Prontera)
????* Encrypted passwords for your safety.