heRO-Server Forum
Help / Guide / Report *Read here first* - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Help / Guide / Report *Read here first* (/showthread.php?tid=2066)

Help / Guide / Report *Read here first* - GM-Pandora - 09-06-2006

You can use this section for 2 things.

First, it's a guide section, feel free to help your fellow player by writting or copying (give credits!) some guide related to RO stuff.

For heRO custom stuff, check the information forum:

This section is also used for player helping, if you got a trouble, or questions (where to level for example) ask here for help, or offer your help in here.

Note: Even though the GMs read this section, if you need GM help, this isn't the place, PM a GM in game, or use the ticket system for that!

RE: Guide Forum / User Helping - GM-Pandora - 12-04-2006

I merged the Report section to this section (Guide / User helping). I'm also going to close the ticket support page, because it's not working properly at the moment (if you send a ticket, it does not give you a ticket number! so you have no way of seeing the GMs answer).

So everything having to do with either of these should be here:

- Asking a guide
- Posting a guide
- Asking for help
- Offering help
- Reporting a non-exploitable bug

For anything too sensitive to be written directly on the forum please PM GM-Auron, he will answer you if he can or forward it to another GM if needed.

- Reporting an exploitable bugs
- Reporting a bot
- Reporting a cheat
- Reporting a Kill Steal or Loot Steal
- Anything else you would have sent a support ticket for.

You can also PM me, but please be patient as I got a lot to do.

RE: Help / Guide / Report *Read here first* - GM-Pandora - 04-09-2007

GM-Chocolate is our new "Player Relation Manager"

Basically if you have any problem with another player, you contact GM-Chocolate either in forum or ingame. Stuff such as: insulting, ksing, racism, dbing other players, sexual harassment, etc.

If for any reason you cannot tell your problem to GM-Chocolate then you can PM me. But please try to go thru her first if possible ^_^