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Frequently Asked Questions - Printable Version

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Frequently Asked Questions - EvolutionXI - 10-08-2012

Answers for those who have asked. Everyone else?...Take whatever you want (nobility/ToH information) and however you want (food for thought, insight, entertainment, bullshit, etc.).

Are you quitting? Icon_suprised
Yes, I am quitting now. I only started selling my stuff earlier in order to give them time to go (and for people to get money to buy anything they wanted) while I waited for the September ToH. I always planned to formally/officially quit around Thanksgiving weekend (this weekend) and not once have I said that I would quit in September. My responses to "when" were always "soon", "in a few weeks", or "some time in October".

Why are you quitting? Icon_sad
I only returned to playing RO to see what was new since I never kept up during the 3 years since I last played. In fact if I knew that heRO lacked a lot of the newer stuff, I probably wouldn't have come back here. That said, since I've explored all the newer stuff that is on heRO (and some of the older stuff I just never had the opportunity to before like Thanatos tower), gameplay has gotten boring. I've never been one who cared about having the best gear or being the richest so it's not like I'll stay and aim for those. I also don't like the heRO community as a whole so with the game itself becoming boring, I have no other reason to stay.
...And it's not like I have an in-game wife to hang around and do stuff with. *cough* Icon_razz

Are you going to delete your characters again? Icon_neutral
Yes, all except my first sniper. I'm waiting for my characters to be deleveled. zZzZz

If you're quitting, why bother selling your stuff? Icon_confused
Perhaps the most frequent question, and the one that illustrates one of the reasons why I don't like the heRO community. Any bit of though for the well-being of the server would easily lead to one of many answers to this question (and it's follow-up questions).

- "Why aren't you keeping the items?"
Items are generally harder to get than zeny...a widely accepted thought. With the large amount of higher level players/guilds that have quit over the last few months and kept all their stuff (or limited distribution), the general availability of items has been pretty low (be it hatter hats or drops). With only a few people/guilds farming stuff, and most of those using a point system and/or the "don't sell outside of the guild" rule, it can be nearly impossible for unaffiliated/solo players to get stuff under normal circumstances. Not everyone has the chance/capability to be a consistent ringer for farming parties like I did either. By getting rid of my items, I'm just keeping them in circulation and available to people that may want them.

- "Why not just give them away then instead of selling them?"
To avoid giving free stuff to people I don't like of course (^_^). But besides that, distributing through sales moderates/limits the amount of stuff people can/will get. You sometimes see people quitting and just giving away everything in one short session, so it all ends up going to a handful of people. Mini-events help but still limit it to people online at that specific time. Pre-scheduling?...It might get more people but can also end up wasting many people's time. With most items only having minor discounts, it's also less likely for people to acquire for the sake of investment (future resale). Another result of selling instead of giving things away is that I can sink some zeny as well as redistribute.

If you're quitting, why have you been buying stuff? Icon_confused
I was thinking of just logging in once a month for ToH, but I was greedy and broke the Rudra Bow that I normally use (couldn't even +5 it with an enriched oridecon -_-) so I've been buying stuff to make a new one. My last two tries have gotten me Berserk claws instead though and I'm running low on all of the quest material so I'm not sure if I'll still do it or not.

On the topic of ToH, I know there are quite a few newbies so here is something that might help for item hunt if you choose to do that.

What are you going to do with the zeny you get? Icon_wink
Originally I planned to sink some with nobility (which I've done already with my sniper) and distribute the rest (1-2b zeny) by means of an event. I wanted to do a 2 part event with morning and evening parts to ensure fairness for the Europeans and Asians, however, none of the GMs I talked to have a schedule that leaves them available in the morning so I'm just not going to do it at all.
*Goes to write an RMS review* ... GM Availability & Helpfulness: 1 Icon_twisted
I won't host one myself since it would be less structured and I don't like spamming main too much. I know I've drawn a notable amount of zeny though, and too huge of a sink at one time isn't exactly good either so instead, I'll probably just log in like once a week to buy out a few random shops and distribute the zeny that way. I've already bought out a couple.

How many gold bullions did it take to become the prince? Icon_biggrin
I only checked for a change in ranking every 25 bullions so these are only approximates of how many it took me for each level. Since I've bumped everyone down though, the new amounts required will most likely be higher than these:

Baron: ~425 Bullions?????????????? Duke: ~1,025 Bullions
Count: ~675 Bullions?????????????? Prince: ~1,125 Bullions

Why not leave silently?...Why bother with such a post?
Just feeding the fire. Icon_lol

RE: Frequently Asked Questions - Ellie - 10-08-2012

Don't think you'd find a GM willing to touch a 1bil zeny event with a 10 foot pole, anyway, to be honest. Icon_razz

RE: Frequently Asked Questions - ChaosPrince - 10-08-2012

Good stuff Evo! You were good and HeRO is loosing a great PvM player.
Anyhow, keeping the 1-2b zeny (just my 2 cent, you do whatever you want), why not rank yourself as high as possible in the nobility? Instead of puting more zeny into the game, why not just make it disapear via Nobility.

Rank your sniper #1 and ensure it no one will catch up to it anytime soon. For the "LOL", those people who wants to rank higher in Nobility will need to spend much more time/effort. I'de personally do that if you want to "feed the fire" Icon_wink.

Good luck IRL!

RE: Frequently Asked Questions - MrsCharcanine - 10-08-2012

Aww, Evo. It sucks that I actually started talking to you when you were about to quit. -_- You're a pretty cool rich dude that isn't snobby like a lot of those we know. Anyways, nice on the Nobility stuff! HF & GL in whatever you do and I hope to still see ya around~

RE: Frequently Asked Questions - azurerogue - 10-08-2012

This didn't answer any of MY faqs...??

That being said - <3 Evo!??I'll miss you (I think).

EDIT: Also, if anyone ever complains about /alchemist or /taekwon again, I'll point them to those nobility requirements!

RE: Frequently Asked Questions - GM-Rahice - 10-08-2012

=( Take care Evo, you shall be missed.

RE: Frequently Asked Questions - Aaronock - 10-08-2012

I better not be in that category of "people I don't like" Icon_mad

But other than that, I get what you're saying about the community, kinda felt the same way past few years. Just playing out of habit at this point, and wish I could quit quit like you. ;o

Anyway, closer than I thought to possibly ranking again. I probably should go mine a ton.

RE: Frequently Asked Questions - Draco - 10-08-2012

It is too bad we only talked perhaps once or twice in my entire time here on the server. I always meant to personally meet you but it looks like, as usual, I took too long to meet someone. Hope life in the real world goes well for you.

RE: Frequently Asked Questions - cane 33 - 10-08-2012

f*** you and don't quit Cry

RE: Frequently Asked Questions - The Legendary Joe - 10-08-2012

I've always wondered why people sell their gears to other players when they quit instead of the NPCs, but I'm a selfish prick like that.