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Server's facebook page - Printable Version

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Server's facebook page - KaminoKaoru - 11-14-2012

I'm not sure if I should put this here since this is supposed to be about in-game matters but this is still a suggestion so... Thinking

I'm aware of the existence of this server's Facebook page. However its inactiveness is very noticeable and somehow I think that is an underutilized opportunity.

I don't know in which direction the GMs want this server to go but I hear lots of people want an increase in active population. This page may one of the means of publicity aside from the vote pages and rms.

I suggest that an officer, which may not necessarily be a GM, be assigned to manage the page and make it active and updated. This might also strengthen the community which this server highlights.


RE: Server's facebook page - Ellie - 11-14-2012

You'll need to summon the Azote monster.
That is, afterall, supposed to be his job.

Keeping it active isn't any sort of strenuous work in the least. It takes about 2 minutes per month to keep up to date - Any server updates, ToH times, FA times, seasonal events, event screenies, that sorta thing.
They take like 3-10 seconds each, so all that side, still leaves over a minute in that 2 minute timeframe to answer any questions on the wall.

My personal biggest concern with the sheer inactivity on it over the past few months (Twitter included) is that it is a *very* public face of the server - and it's an advertising one.
"We don't care enough to bother to spend 2 minutes a month updating/posting to the page" is not a message the server should be sending out. Fullstop.

Personally, I sorta shy away from the suggestion/idea to put a non-GM in charge of it.
It is, as I've stated, *VERY* little work to keep it updated. Literally a couple of minutes a month. If the team doesn't have time for that... something is up. If they don't have the motivation to keep a major advertising face active... something is up.

It's also a very public, major face of the server, that people can be banned from, posts deleted, etc. Any action taken on it would reflect the team as a whole - whether or not the caretaker was part of the team.

Thirdly, any caretaker can see other page admins' Facebook accounts. They didn't/don't all have fake GM named ones. Some use their RL ones, as it is only the back end such things can even be seen on. So it depends if said GMs are comfortable with their personal info (name, Facebook account, etc) possibly being seen by someone not on the team. Depends on their personal comfort levels, I guess.
I can say that if it was my real info instead of a fake name account, I'd be blarghhh about a nonteam member having access to it.

What am I even doing back here?

RE:??Server's facebook page - The Legendary Joe - 11-15-2012

Ellie Wrote:personally, I sorta shy away from the suggestion/idea to put a non-GM in charge of it.
People's opinions do change. While I still do support the server, I'm definitely not as enthusiastic about it as I once was. If we did get a player to do the job, and we got an emotional person, some of the bad apples we have pissed them off somehow, chances are they'd probably do something to vent their frustrations about it, which might happen to be facebook.

Now if potential future players was reading that negative venting all over their wall, they'd probably be more inclined to ignore our community and server and take their business elsewhere.

Personally, I am against social networking sites like Facebook, i don't want to put all of my information out on the net I'm not interesting enough to post my status often (or ever), and I hate that it requires people to log in in order to even view other people's pages. But it works for some people, and since it's already made, it might as well be used as the advertising tool it was meant to be. C'mon all you nooblets of the internet, LIKE our server and Join already.

RE: Server's facebook page - Ellie - 11-15-2012

^ Also a very good point.
Simply put, for a lot of people, gaining power means wanting to use said power. Negativity, whether through emotional posting, post deleting or blocking people from the page can all be detrimental.

Facebook, in the server's case, presents a unique opportunity.
It is a way to not only advertise to future/seeking players, but it is also the only way to also re-advertise to older, no-longer active players.

The page currently has 566 likes. Most of those are from the ingame-tied promotion from almost a year ago.
Having a quick look at the server's current population, there's a huge difference since then - not just in number, but also the people.
Hell, I truly doubt the server even has 566 active population members(remember all times zones are still community, kids) nowadays.

Facebook provides a way to advertise new features, events and updates directly to the walls of these people who have left, but have not unliked Facebook page. This is something the forums, RMS and the voting sites cannot do and an audience they simply can't reach.