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Suggestion Box: Ninjas! - Printable Version

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Suggestion Box: Ninjas! - GM-Azote - 01-05-2013

Hello everyone,

After bringing up Gunslingers Elemental Bullets and Taekwon BG Weapon, we would like to give a hand to ninjas!

None of us, in the GM team, plays a ninja, and therefore, none of us really knows how to help this class become a bit more popular/viable, for pvp and/or pvm.

Please note that ideas should pass through gear, as it is not realistic to change skills or other class parameters, for technical reasons.

Any ninja out there can give an opinion?

RE: Suggestion Box: Ninjas! - Gojira - 01-05-2013

Ninjas are strong enough as it is if you have a single clue of what you're doing (Final Strike), making them stronger then they currently are would make them too strong (Considering the amount of defensive buffs they have and the attack power of Final Strike).

Just take a look at BG lately, that Bicho Ninja (I think that's the name?) has a high win ratio because he actually cleans teams....XD

RE: Suggestion Box: Ninjas! - Aaronock - 01-05-2013

Also you guys kind of gave Ninja's (both phys and magical) autumn leaf cat card.

My recommendation if you want them to get the card easier would be add more spawns of autumn leaf cats on their map, or add them to a custom dungeon later with a decent spawn rate.

Edit: I have a ninja, stopped leveling him because pinguicula on here are actually holy instead of earth and my magical ninja butt got sad. Icon_sad

RE: Suggestion Box: Ninjas! - Mr. Charcanine - 01-06-2013

If anything I remember someone asking for a quiver-type item for kunais before but I dont really remember the response for that.

RE: Suggestion Box: Ninjas! - cane 33 - 01-06-2013

Bicho-Ninja (alias Pepita) can shot my ws with lex (ofc no gr) and kills other people more easy too. Throw dagger with mailbreaker [Marinax3] and other sexy dagger can make the ninja a support class too (and f*** the gr too).
And add the damn Cicada that make a ninja very ahrd to kill with SB/Asura.
There are already a lot of custom items that make ninja strong, but I'm speaking of Final Strike.

U can make the magic ninja more strong, but I suggest to don't touch the Final Strike's ninja, else that ninja will become more dangerous of champion D:

RE: Suggestion Box: Ninjas! - Radolf - 01-06-2013

A general suggestion to improve any extended class if you need one would be to give them a more diverse armor selection since most of the useful armors are trans-locked. If you're looking for something more ninja specific then the only thing I can think of is something to give them hide without costing an accessory slot for a smokie card.

Another suggestion comes with the BG Huuma Shuriken. It has a chance to double Issen and throw huuma damage, but it doesn't have an animation to let you know it's in effect, so adding something so people could tell would be nice.

And yeah Issen can be strong, but it comes at a hefty cost of dropping you down to 1 HP (Unlike asura), and if you know what skills can bypass cicada then it's not too hard to kill them.

As for their defensive buffs, they have two of them, both of which pretty much do the same thing and run off of the same counter. I don't count tatami as it's not a buff, but if you want to include that then at the cost of using it they can't move and are stuck on delay for 3 seconds.

Also I have a question: Are the gears that currently can be equipped by nontrans, but aren't supposed to be (read bradium ring and proxy) going to be changed to official so that they're trans locked too anytime soon? I see no point in wasting an autumn leafcat card on a bradium ring (arguably the best accessory to stick it in for Issen ninja) if it's just going to be changed and made to where I can't equip it.

RE:??Suggestion Box: Ninjas! - demishock - 01-06-2013

Mr. Charcanine Wrote:If anything I remember someone asking for a quiver-type item for kunais before but I dont really remember the response for that.
That was me. Original thread: Ammo besides arrows

Long story short, it ended up not garnering much response, but Pandora informed me that the random quiver item was actually an official Gravity one, and any such thing for GS or Ninja would have to be basically customized/created from scratch.

Which makes me wonder if maybe bullets/kunai/shuriken weapons could be added to the advanced mining spot along with the ninja's stone/orb items, or as a drop from certain monsters, or as a future custom card drop, or something that would allow an alternative to straight-up purchasing them 100% of the time. Or have an NPC that you can exchange base materials to to get ammo for the extended classes (since a class-based skill is no good, per Azote's first post)... /thinking out loud

Radolf Wrote:Also I have a question: Are the gears that currently can be equipped by nontrans, but aren't supposed to be (read bradium ring and proxy) going to be changed to official so that they're trans locked too anytime soon? I see no point in wasting an autumn leafcat card on a bradium ring (arguably the best accessory to stick it in for Issen ninja) if it's just going to be changed and made to where I can't equip it.
Seconding this question! I've been wanting to know the same thing, re: gearing my gunslinger for a while now.

RE: Suggestion Box: Ninjas! - The Legendary Joe - 01-06-2013

hmm, Most of my qualms with ninja's are certain attributes in their skills. Like Shadow slash and Mist slash (and smokie clip for hide, but that's not a ninja skill is it?) being to SP costly even with the Ninja suit/shinobi sash combo, but that's a balance thing I think.??

Still never understood why Throw Fuuma Shuriken had the Napalm beat/vulcan style damage (dividing equally between number of affected in 3x3 cell range of target) when it hit anything. I'd guess if it were possible I'd make a Shuriken that deals full or no damage to surrounding targets.

Or perhaps, there??are gears and skills to nullify Gem (Mistress, Wizard link, Thief card combo) and Trap (Bard/Dancer Ensemble: Power Chord) catalysts, perhaps we can make a gear set or something so you don't need to use??those stones to cast ninja spells? (Ninja suit, shinobi sash, the special extended class Black scarf,??Jika-Tabi (or tabi boots), and Utility belt or thief ring for set effects).

The utility belt could be useful in another aspect.??Kunai are friggin heavy. Compare to a sniper who's probably got??2000+ arrows at any one time with 0 str to his name and still be under 30% weight,??A ninja with 99 str could probably carry about 250-500 kunai at any one time. and be up to 75-90% weight. (the main reason I didn't like the random element kunai packets that was proposed). Perhaps the Utility could add some element of Increased weight for extended classes?

Perhaps we could also add an item to the Item slot dudes. Shinobi sash is an awesome accessory but it still takes up a slot which cards could be used (like smokie).

I have ALWAYS hated how nerfed ninja's are in woe. I can kinda understand why ciceda doesn't work in woe since there's no knockback, but WHY is shadow jump and shadow slash made so practically useless? Monks and champs are still able to use their snap skill, and Taekwons (and by extension Stalkers) can still Flying side kick over walls and into your face. Q.Q??I know skill changes are out of the question but I still feel more people might play them more if some of their more tactical skills weren't dumbed down so much??(by the officials even), and grant them a larger role in competitive play outside of trolling the noobs in PVP with the "Na-nana-na-na~ You can't hit me~"*stabs them until their weapon/armor breaks or they get statused or they get pelted with a million weak lightning ice spears*

RE: Suggestion Box: Ninjas! - Radolf - 01-07-2013

Dunno what kinda 99 str Ninja you're playing, because I can easily carry around 800~900 kunais without going over 50%

Although I agree with the catalyst stones for casters. Magic ninjas can go overweight really fast if they use those skills. Another idea would be an accessory that gave different bonuses depending on what build of ninja you are. You could just compare base str and base int to determine the build and maybe have a third category for hybrids if the two are equal.

RE:??Suggestion Box: Ninjas! - Alchemist - 01-10-2013

Thinking I've only ever played a magic Ninja build, but....

Radolf Wrote:A general suggestion to improve any extended class if you need one would be to give them a more diverse armor selection since most of the useful armors are trans-locked. If you're looking for something more ninja specific then the only thing I can think of is something to give them hide without costing an accessory slot for a smokie card.

I have to agree with him on this one. Perhaps a custom Ninja Suit - that can be quested for - that allows the use of Hide? After all, who's ever heard of a ninja that can't hide? Let alone stalk?

Radolf Wrote:Another idea would be an accessory that gave different bonuses depending on what build of ninja you are. You could just compare base str and base int to determine the build and maybe have a third category for hybrids if the two are equal.

Though, I don't think it would necessarily need to be an accessory - sticking with Ninja suit on this one - the item can grant a bonus based on the dominant base damage stat.

i.e. if INT > 80 there is a 50% chance that a catalyst stone will not be consumed

I'm not saying that should necessarily be it, but to give a general idea. Something generic that could boost HIT or DEX would be fitting as that is what Ninjas are all about, as well.

Or to be silly even...

Something that allows the collection of sushi from enemies...?

Just a thought. No1