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Custom Hairstyles Across Screen - Printable Version

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Custom Hairstyles Across Screen - Cat-Alin - 10-23-2013

I love the custom hairstyles, they look great, I always find it fun to see one and just recognize the hairstyle. I got a hair coupon and picked a custom hairstyle, but I have one question.

When I even just choose to preview the custom hairstyles, four large preview pictures appear of all the custom hairstyles. Great idea, I can see all of them at once but... well, it basically blocks the entire screen, I can't see my own character at all.

Is there a way to close those previews or somehow make them disappear? I would show a screenshot, but Styla will only remove the custom hairstyle now and I won't do that unless I have a second hair coupon.

Also, why does hairstyle #83 not have a black version? If I had known that/seen that right away, I would've picked a different one...


RE: Custom Hairstyles Across Screen - Sen - 10-23-2013

You can always try out that option to have a quick check if any of the hairstyles fit your criteria or so, and then after that close the window- access Styla again- and choose the browse/use coupon option to see if it's really what you want/fit your character. Well, for me I always do that.

It's also better that way because, easy access, can check if certain colors are correct. Some hairstyles are sort of bugged, especially with their colors, hope it'll get fixed soon.

RE: Custom Hairstyles Across Screen - Cat-Alin - 10-24-2013

You mean browse through the custom hairstyles? I haven't seen an option for that.

But even if that was possible, I wouldn't be able to see my character, since the hairstyle previews are covering my character up.


RE: Custom Hairstyles Across Screen - Aaronock - 10-24-2013

I don't remember the name of the option off hand, but I'll look into that later, there is a way to browse custom hairstyles the same way you browse hair colors.

Remember doing exactly this on my LK recently when I wanted to change his hair for the first time ever.

RE: Custom Hairstyles Across Screen - Sen - 10-24-2013

I was looking for you to explain the browsing the hairstyle thing, but I remembered I didn't know what your in-game name is. If you've found how to do it, that's good! If not:

Click the custom hairstyles option of Styla. Then click the 'Pay Coupon and Browse', keep saying yes, though if you have a faulty net and disconnect a lot it's not recommended. Anyways, yeah you can browse the hairstyles and see if it fits your character. There's also an option for the colors of that hairstyle if you'd like to see it in different colors. Basically, just don't pick 'Preview' 'cause I used to have that problem too, until I changed my screen resolution.