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General Apologize - Printable Version

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General Apologize - Mr. Dahaka - 02-20-2007

Well, Im here to apologize with everyone for my rude behavior

and another stuffs originating from my extremely competitivety

in pvp and woes.

Im sorry to all GM team to make them wast time in trivial matters

and with my immature attitudes.Icon_neutral

I have to thank god for my wonderfull friend that told me the true

and made me see what i was doing wrong, and made me change.

Well, i guess this is the time for changes, i learn my lession.

Im sorryIcon_exclaim

RE: General Apologize - Yamaha - 02-20-2007

In the name of Triple X (I'm also Hayabusa, the guild leader), i must say that yesterday Azi and I had a very long conversation about his behavior during the last months and I trully believe that I made him see what was his situatton was.

I was really disapointed with his atitude towards my girlfriend, but I decided to give him one more chance, one LAST chance. I hope that he changes for good.

For the GM team: I'm sorry for the inconvenience. If another problem shows up, plz let me know. I won't tolerate another mistake and he's already aware of it.

I hope that this is the end of such an unconfortable situation.

RE: General Apologize - Général_Argos - 02-21-2007

Thats cool Azi.

RE: General Apologize - Rei Ayanami - 02-22-2007

hi azi, i am sorry to have to do that. you are a nice guy, but you can say very horrible things when you get hyped. i hope you will keep a cool head next time and just walk away when people provoke you.

RE: General Apologize - GM-Pandora - 02-22-2007

Appology accepted. Let's all put this behind us and hope we can all be a big happy family now like Rei suggested ^_^

I should be ingame tonight.

RE: General Apologize - Rei Ayanami - 02-23-2007

family hug *hugs*

RE: General Apologize - Stealth - 02-23-2007


Now that is something good to see

I just love this server and the ppl on it, let's keep going like this Icon_mrgreen