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Did you ever dream about heRO? - Printable Version

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Did you ever dream about heRO? - Avery - 04-01-2007 10:08 AM

Technically, i cant go on heRO for some reason.
But i dreamed i was prince, no i mean i WAS prince not logging on but WAS prince. Like a RPG world Icon_lol

Then Static was like "COME ON!!! LETS GO OWN SEALS"
I was like " 0.0"
Then there was Nimrod, Caio[for some weird reason], Alexander[OMG!!!!], yashar, huntress, and Wired [silv i don't think you go on him anymore?]

Anyways and i was like in the world of ragnarok...but i was always shooting spirit spheres and Nimrod went crazy with aura blade and huntress and wired were double starfing like hell? :o

THEN i don't remember anything.

So did you guys have dreams? Or not? I find it pathetic to dream about a game Icon_cry

EDIT: i think this is in the right forum right? its NOT RO, well dreaming about RO isn't RO right? Icon_confused

RE: Did you ever dream about heRO? - Motenai_Ronin - 04-01-2007 01:04 PM

xD similar things have happened to me

Psychosis 8D

RE: Did you ever dream about heRO? - Former-GM-Chocolate - 04-01-2007 05:08 PM

Not only do I dream about games, but I dream with image edditing o.o, like, "oh dear, the sky is in the wrong blue, it should be #code#!", that's sad =]

RE: Did you ever dream about heRO? - Force-Attuned Krogoth - 04-01-2007 06:25 PM

I have mundane dreams. Like I go out to kill Raydrics and come back with a bunch of brigan.

RE: Did you ever dream about heRO? - Motenai_Ronin - 04-01-2007 06:25 PM

ok chicken little Icon_biggrin

RE: Did you ever dream about heRO? - Rei Ayanami - 04-02-2007 10:05 AM

ok that is not as weird as what happened to me like last month or so. after everyone kept going to me telling me to "get that last level, you lazy *backside*(<=censored)!". that night and for 2 consecutive nights i dreamt about hero.

dream 1: i was walking along as a sader and found a gun lying on the sidewalk of prontera and i went trigger happy redneck style and shot everyone into smithereens. then i woke up and went Icon_confused and found that i was holding my eng set square that somewhat resembles a gun shape.

dream 2: i tried leveling in bio1 and end up having a cup of tea with the removers, armyer, etc and gemini walked in and tried to ruin the party so we tie him up and threw him in a pond filled with piranhas. (instead of leveling i end up making friends with the monsters and cant level any more cos i would be killing friends) and thanatos gave me a pat in the back saying "well, i wouldn't know how you feel, but it beats being locked up with those ugly mishapped jello that they mess up while drawing them" (and points at a korean guy who aparently is the guy who made ragnarok)
so yeah, that was weird.

dream 3: I finally got to level 99 and went to the whatever place you go, the one that looks like cloud and basicly something like how dysney represents mount olympus. i ask them to let me trancend and they laughed at me and said "lol, right! if we do that you'd be a high swordy for the rest of your second life!" and threw me back down to prontera as a lvl 99 sader and i saw the door close with the norse gods lauging at me.

note: this is all in first person view. so yeah its pretty weird.

Quote:Not only do I dream about games, but I dream with image edditing o.o, like, "oh dear, the sky is in the wrong blue, it should be #code#!", that's sad =]
oh and chocolate if you think thats bad, i had a dream once that i was just there calcuylating a bunch of things and basicly the whole night i was dreaming calculations and computer codes. yes, they are in equation and codes. nothing else, just numbers, operators, claculus and algebrea, etc all thrown in the pot. no scenes, no backdrop, i was dreaming calculator style.

now that is sad.

RE: Did you ever dream about heRO? - Namine - 04-02-2007 05:20 PM

For mysterious reasons, though she have a wonderful experience with heRO, the dream was far less enjoyable, and more like detestable... Namin? hopes that it will never happen to her in her real heRO life...

RE: Did you ever dream about heRO? - Ryxingeir - 04-02-2007 09:16 PM

Actually i had a dream the other week that i was in a classroom, but it was all people from heRO (characters, not real people, hehe), and we were gonna do an item hunt event, lol n_n
the only odd thing was... i was naked... and no one cared lol x.x;;

poor Namin? though *pats gently*

RE: Did you ever dream about heRO? - Avery - 04-03-2007 06:58 AM

I get my dream , the only thing is wired and alexander in it...

RE: Did you ever dream about heRO? - Alexander - 04-03-2007 10:11 AM

I'm not sure I want to know. <.<