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Add Nameless Warper - Printable Version

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Add Nameless Warper - Menace651 - 04-26-2014

I remember Nameless used to be accessible via an npc on the map south of Veins. Now you have to do the tedious pre-req quests. I suggest just making Nameless accessible again via an npc warper.

This would make Nameless parties popular again instead of everyone just heading to DG. It's really kind of retarded to need to do all those pre-req quests just to gain an access to the dungeon when you can just do a 2 minute quest and get into DG.

RE: Add Nameless Warper - The Legendary Joe - 04-26-2014

also, add a few spawn points at the entrance of DG so you have to find someplace else to camp at DG than the entrance.

Edit- actually, maybe we could factor in a shortcut quest where our character gets drugged and taken by the human trafficking operation that the entire Nameless quest gets started around when they got the king of Rune Midgard.

RE: Add Nameless Warper - Fabre - 04-30-2014

I say no, to the whole idea of taking out the quest for nameless. its there for a reason. so only folk who deserve to be there(through the tedious suffering) can be there. bad enough folk are trans-ing like mad without really earning it. nameless is for folk who put in actual work, and has skills to party together. not just leech and be given it all free ride style like its been for most. recently. these are my opinions. as this is an opinion thread.