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Recently Trans-locked equipment - Printable Version

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Recently Trans-locked equipment - Ange - 08-09-2014

As of yesterday, the items Dragon vest, Dragon manteau, and Bradium ring have become equipable by trans classes only. These items were intended to be equipped by nontrans classes, and should be implemented as such.
First, as to the intent, I site the RMS Test server, which is the standard for private servers. On the RMS server, all three of these items are usable by nontrans, which is the standard implementation of these items in the private server world.
Some people reference the descriptions of these items, saying that the descriptions should be our standard for what items do, but this is pure folly. Take, for instance, the glorious ring; its descriptions states that it increases your damage against fire, water, wind, and earth property monsters, when in reality it reduces incoming damage of those elements. Or take the diablos set, with it's wildly nonsensical ramblings for descriptions. In RO, official descriptions should always be taken with a grain of salt, and should definitely not be our standard for what a gear does.
Even if you believe that the items in question were intended to be trans only, making them such in the context of heRO is foolish from a balance perspective. With all of heROs customization, these items have no use outside of non-trans classes, and they are by no means game-breaking. Let us start with the dragon combo. The manteau weighs in at 5 def, 1 agi, and 5 mdef. While it is the nontrans garment with the highest defense rating, the defense is ineffective for pvp(1 defense is negligible in the world of asura strike and def piercing BG gear), and not cost effective for pvm(you have to +7 it to feel the benefits vs other garments, which isn't cost effective, considering you're just leveling up and going to trans it). The vest combos with the manteau for 15 flee and 5 agility, with no effect of its own. This combo effect is typically the most desired effect of the two items, granting 21 total flee and 5 agility. It's great for solo leveling with flee-mobbers, but is useless outside of trans due to the vastly superior Orcus Combo, which has 5 agi, 30 flee, 5 pdodge, and leaves your armor slot open for something with a more desirable effect(bee wings, if you're using it to solo mob).
The bradium ring is made obsolete by the orcus bracer alone, which gives one more strength, and has an OP combo to go with it, meaning the bradium ring will see no use outside of non-trans leveling and woe, where its 3% atk is nice, but not game-breaking by any means.
In conclusion, the three gears in question not only were intended to be implemented as non-trans gears, but they SHOULD be implemented as such, regardless of the intent, due to the balance of custom gear on heRO.

RE: Recently Trans-locked equipment - GM-Pandora - 08-09-2014

Thanks for your input.

RE: Recently Trans-locked equipment - Ange - 08-09-2014

I have noticed another piece of gear that this applies to: the Vital Tree Shoes. This gear has long had its niche as the best non-trans footgear. Now that that item is trans only, it has no remaining place in RO, far overshadowed in the trans-gear scene by gear which provide 20% HP to the tree shoes's 10%.

RE: Recently Trans-locked equipment - GM-Pandora - 08-09-2014

We've decided we agree.