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Patch error? - Printable Version

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Patch error? - Sen - 09-01-2014 08:43 AM

I don't know if this is the place for this (it probably is) but I haven't been able to log in the server for two days straight now.

So, I haven't played in like 3 months and decided that I wanted to come back, but when I checked my RO, started it up, somehow the log in screen shows up but it's always 'failed to connect to server'.

So, I thought maybe I didn't patch, must be it, so I run the patcher and it says 'failed to get patches/patch list'.

So I thought, maybe something is wrong with my folders... maybe need to update, so I downloaded mini installer.. still same two things.

Then, I downloaded the full installer and installed everything and run the patcher... still failure.

I really am confused as to what is wrong, it's never done this before. I run a windows 7, 32bit. Maybe the gods of Ragnarok are punishing me ;;

RE: Patch error? - GM-Garr - 09-01-2014 12:11 PM

Please check that nor your firewall, nor antivirus are blocking heRO.exe and heROpatcher.exe from internet access. Because if you're able to be here via browser you should be able to get patchlist also.

Also, as an advice:
a) If your heRO folder is inside Program Files, please remove it out of there, and place somewhere else. Like C:/ or C:/Games/
b) Right click on both heRO.exe and heROpatcher.exe, Properties, Compatibility tab, run as administrator.

If it still doesn't work you may want to try Win+R, cmd, tracert heroserver.bounceme.net and send results to me via support ticket.

RE: Patch error? - Sen - 09-02-2014 08:00 AM

I've done all, even deleted my previous RO folder and disabled avg, still nothing.

I am sending a support ticket now. Thanks for your reply!