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Fishing suggestions! - Printable Version

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Fishing suggestions! - JoryJoe - 12-07-2014


I've been mining a lot recently because and it got me thinking about how much I used to fish many years ago before the fishing location changes and the 3 tiered system. I really enjoyed fishing in the past because I could do with relatively no gear to make zeny; get healing items rather than having to spend zeny on potions; the time to points ratio was pretty decent so you weren't stuck at the beginner location (when there was only beginner/advanced). I noticed after the changes, the number of people who fished dropped and I also stopped. The changes made fishing not as fun, much more difficult to survive/get to, and overall added more cons than pros to fishing.

The changes were made I think in 2012 and the effects of the changes have been long lasting (e.g. a permanent decrease in the number of fishers whereas usually people accept changes and move on). I'm wondering if it could be looked at again so it would be more enticing to fish. For example, why not change fishing to use bait like the mining system with a mini game (the room with silverings, bronzerings, etc.) and increase the change to get fishing points?

The last post I noticed in the forums regarding improves is below, which was a year ago...
(11-10-2013, 02:44 PM)GM-Pandora Wrote: Fishing/Mining: will be improved with mini-games in the future, I'm not considering re-doing the system entirely with reeling however, but nice suggestion nonetheless.

Edit: just added to the paragraph/description ;x

RE: Fishing suggestions! - GM-Garr - 12-07-2014

But there is a Fishing mini-game room, it was added at the same time as Mining mini-game room. The main prize there is DCA. On the other things, I'll ask Pandora of what she thinks about all of this.

RE: Fishing suggestions! - Flare - 12-07-2014

How often DOES that mini-game pop up?

RE: Fishing suggestions! - The Legendary Joe - 12-07-2014

the main con I'm worried about is that the amount of fishing points you need to graduate from the Beginner's spot seems quite steep. At this point, pretty much everyone would want Salmon/Mutant fish and better quality fish and that is an AMAZING amount of fishing they'd have to do to even see even 1 of those mutants to catch.

RE: Fishing suggestions! - Sen - 12-07-2014

I still haven't graduated from beginner's level, old man wants me to rot before I graduate (like college, only a little more fun).

I didn't even know there was a mini-game, does that mini-game pop up for all levels of fishing?

RE: Fishing suggestions! - Story Teller - 12-07-2014

fishing.... yeah... that was... clicking... @_@