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ToH Saturday January 31st 2015 at noon - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: ToH Saturday January 31st 2015 at noon (/showthread.php?tid=28612)

ToH Saturday January 31st 2015 at noon - GM-Garr - 01-08-2015

For the wide masses! Emergency announcement!

On the first month of 2015, 31st at noon, a greatly event named "Trial of Heroes" will be held by our dearest GM-Pandora. Attendance is appreciated, but not required.

Casual clothes are encouraged!

RE: ToH Sunday January 31st 2015 at noon - whitedraw - 01-08-2015

oh hey, i might be able to join this time

RE: ToH Sunday January 31st 2015 at noon - The Legendary Joe - 01-09-2015

We'll see, I just found another place of work, and they may be having me work the weekends.

RE: ToH Sunday January 31st 2015 at noon - Zeroxas - 01-21-2015

Garr don't forget to edit this 31st = Saturday

RE: ToH Saturday January 31st 2015 at noon - GM-Garr - 01-21-2015

Thank you for correction ^_^

RE: ToH Saturday January 31st 2015 at noon - w@isAn - 01-22-2015

attendance is compulsory (unless there was an excuse, for example, sickness, or no wifi / keyboard provided, or unless they had been certified as reaching a certain standard of education in heRO)


RE: ToH Saturday January 31st 2015 at noon - whitedraw - 01-22-2015

^ or wai just too lazy to join