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Sign Quest - Printable Version

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Sign Quest - Adrillf - 01-10-2015

The Sign Quest is EVIL

After needing help because the game hates me, I've ran into yet another problem. Instead of bugging the GM team (again) about this, I'm going to put this here in hopes that maybe one of you know what is going wrong with my sign quest.

So I talked to Metz, and him being the great guy that he is, handed me yet another crumb of sobbing starlight to go with my already big sobbing starlight, and said that I had to reach out to Engel Howard, I got the letter from his daughter in Geffen, headed down into the coal mines, dropped off the letter from his daughter, and Engel tells me that I need to get him 5 mini furnaces, 2 Ori Hammers, and a golden anvil. I head back to him and he has two chats,
"*Sigh* It's been a long time since I've seen my family. I really should let them know how I'm doing sooner or later. Hmmm...."
"...? Do you have any business me? I'm sorry, but right now I'm very busy. Please leave me alone to my research."
And Engel will not accept the items that I have that he requested, which is sort of needed to progress the quest forward.

I've tried to talk to his wife and daughter in Geffen, they're not helping either. Metz is quiet on the subject, and no matter how many times I talk to Engel (tried about 30 times because I know sometimes NPC's within this quest like to stay silent until you click on them a lot) he gives me the same thing saying that he has no business with me, although he requested me to get him the items that are in my inventory.

If it helps, I'm on part 2, point 3 - http://irowiki.org/wiki/Sign_Quest

RE: Sign Quest - GM-Garr - 01-10-2015

Hmm. Did he warp you out after the talk when you handed in the letter was finished? Maybe you didn't get a close prompt? Did he take the Doodled Message and all 7 crumbs? Because by the looks of it your variable got stuck on the letter part of the quest, instead of progressing further somehow...

ETA: It seems you still have 1 star crumb left on you. I'm guessing you didn't have 7 of them on you somehow. So your dialogue window got halted and you had to relog? And after that you can't continue with the quest. Am I right?

RE: Sign Quest - Adrillf - 01-10-2015

I relogged but never during a text box, only after talking to NPC's and seeing that they were frozen in a loop I decided to try to relog seeing if that helped anything.

I have the main star (the 6 pieces together) and then Metz's 7th piece still in inventory, and then all of the creation items to put the 7th in with the other 6. He just won't take the items or recognize that I have the items to have him combine them together.

RE: Sign Quest - GM-Garr - 01-10-2015

Oh god. I think I derped when asking Panda for setting your variables, there should be only 1 whole Sobbing Starlight, and you have it already. I meant to say to her to make it 76, but ended up saying 56 instead. It's all my bad >.< I'm sorry.

ETA: Your variable is fixed. Your next step is to talk to Metz. On the guide you gave link to you're on part 3, step 1. I'm sorry again.

RE: Sign Quest - Adrillf - 01-11-2015

Thanks again for helping Garr, and sorry for the confusion.

Let's hope that we didn't break it again. When in doubt, just hand me the sign and allow me access to dungeon and jump to the end of the quest!

Three strikes and get a free sign. . . right?