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Private DB Room Bug - Printable Version

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Private DB Room Bug - myBlack_isWhite - 04-07-2015

Private DB room becomes unreachable after it was rented with a character that is not a party leader.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Create a party.
2. Make sure you have at least 2 characters in your party.
3. Rent a private DB room with a character that is not a party leader.
4. Go in and out of just rented private DB room.
5. Try to go into the same private DB room.

Actual result: just rented private DB room is unreachable and stays locked for everyone until the rent time runs out.

Expected result: it's impossible to rent a private DB room with a character who isn't a party leader.

RE: Private DB Room Bug - GM-Garr - 04-13-2015

There was also another bug, so I completely rewrote the script. Hope it'll pass the trials and will appear on real server soon ^_^

RE: Private DB Room Bug - Story Teller - 04-16-2015

(04-13-2015, 06:42 PM)Kiyochan Wrote: LF> Brave souls to join the Test & Dev Team. ^___^

Too bad but I have no soul!! MUAHAHAHA