heRO-Server Forum
February 27th 2018 ToH 9 PM EST - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: February 27th 2018 ToH 9 PM EST (/showthread.php?tid=29841)

February 27th 2018 ToH 9 PM EST - GM-Luna - 02-21-2018

Hosted by GM Luna Kissy
(Monsters by GM Ciar) Icon_twisted


RE: February 2018 ToH 9 PM EST - The Roger - 02-21-2018

the 27th i guess? XD

RE: February 2018 ToH 9 PM EST - GM-Ayu - 02-21-2018

Luna did post the time. It's just in the links. I'll add the time to the thread title for those who don't want to click.

RE: February 27th 2018 ToH 9 PM EST - The Roger - 02-21-2018

yes yes i got it from the link =)

RE: February 27th 2018 ToH 9 PM EST - GM-Luna - 02-27-2018


RE: February 27th 2018 ToH 9 PM EST - The Roger - 02-27-2018


RE: February 27th 2018 ToH 9 PM EST - The Roger - 02-27-2018

ToH in 4 hours!!