PVP For Items, Anniversary Edition - GM-Ciar - 09-28-2019
PVP For Items
How this event works:- All participating players will be warped to a battle arena.
- The GM will announce an item (or wear it if it's a headgear), and open a 3-person chat room.
- The players that want the announced item must enter the chat room quickly.
- The first two players that join the chat will fight each other, and the winner will receive the item.
- Once a player has won three fights, they cannot participate for the remainder of the event. Pick your battles carefully!
- There will be a mass PVP at the end, with a prize for the last player standing.
- There will also be participation prizes at the end.
Rules:- Everyone above level 90 is welcome to join.
- Outside buffs (Those from anyone other than yourself) are not allowed.
- Only the two players in the arena are allowed to battle. Fighting in the public is not allowed. To prevent accidental attacks you can bring a super summer suit, etc.
- The time limit for one fight is 3 minutes. In the eventuality of a tie, the announced item is skipped and announced again later. Both players may participate in other fights.
- Sending a trade, party, guild invite or friend request to the opponent will result in an immediate disqualification. To prevent this, use /noask.
- Dropping items while in a fight is forbidden.
- If a stalker loses a plagiarized skill, they can ask a GM to copy it again.
- GM Resurrection will be provided after the match has ended, do not respawn.
- If you happen to disconnect, butterfly wing or respawn, please PM a GM to be warped back.
- This is a fight where only one may win. You must put forth effort and continue to battle at all times. Please do not run around like a pansy for 3 minutes. If you're going to run around, don't come.
Items that are NOT allowed:- - MVP Carded Gear
- Ghostring Carded Gear, Ghostring Scrolls, and Deviling Carded Gear
- God Items (Brisingamen, Sleipnir, Mjolnir, Meginjard)
- Yggdrasil Berries
- Yggdrasil Seeds
- War Potions & other War Supplies (Mostly because they won't work)
- Dory
- Nemo
Skill Restrictions:- - Basilica is limited to 30 consecutive seconds.
- Play Dead is limited to 30 consecutive seconds.
- Chasewalk is limited to 15 consecutive seconds.
- Hide/Cloak is permitted for an unlimited amount of time.
If a player uses a skill longer than allowed, the opponent will be considered the winner.
Participation Prizes:
Aside from the possible items one may win via fighting, all participants will receive 50 Battleground Points, 2 Bloody Branches, and 1 Skull Hat (ID 10706) each. The winner of the Mass Battle at the end will win 10 BBs and 25 BG Points. To qualify for these rewards you must participate in at least one fight, otherwise you will be considered a spectator.
Available Rewards:
As per suggestions from long ago to announce items beforehand, we'll list just a few of the items you can fight for in the event. Keep in mind there may be better items that were not announced here, so use up your 3 wins accordingly. - 12 of any +10 Stat Food
- 150 Light White Potions, 150 Light Blue Potions, 10 Large Magical Defense Potions (ID 13755), 10 Large Defense Potions (ID 13749)
- 30 each of 3 lv 4 stones (Example: 30 Rose Quartz, 30 Pyroxine, 30 Muscovite)
- 75 Battleground Points
- 15 of any Runestone of your choice
- 1 Hatter Voucher
- Refined Headgears (+6 Feather Beret, +7 Holy Christmas Tree, +7 Candy Cane Beanie)
- Choice of any Backpack dropped by a naturally spawning non-event monster (Use @whodrops to find out if it's elligible)
- Choice of any color of Hip Ribbon or Tie
- V4P Headgears (Hawk Eye, Filir Wings, Fish In Mouth, Drooping Panda etc.)
- Hatter Hats (Shrine Maiden Hat, King Frog Hat, Red Minstrel Hat)
- Costume Headgears (Valkyrie Helm, Wandering Wolf Helm, etc)
- Past Fairy Auction Costumes (Cat Eye, Singing Bird, Clear Sun)
List, Prizes and Rules are subject to change and updates at any time.