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help help i´m new T_T - Printable Version

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help help i?m new T_T - Itaki No Shorai - 07-16-2007

I need Help <.< Can I download a Full client?
where is the full client Icon_smile Help me pls

RE: help help i?m new T_T - GM-Pandora - 07-16-2007

Currently we don't have one. You can get RO + Sakray from that site:

Then apply the latest monthly patch from this post:

RE: help help i?m new T_T - Itaki No Shorai - 07-18-2007

and how we install them?


Can you speak german???

RE: help help i?m new T_T - Former-GM-Auron - 07-18-2007

Best I can do with a translator >_<

RO und Sakkray anbringen. Beide ausbessern. Die Heldakten extrahieren und sie in dein RO Heft einsetzen.

RE: help help i?m new T_T - Itaki No Shorai - 07-18-2007

was f?r heldakten?

RE: help help i?m new T_T - Former-GM-Auron - 07-18-2007

Google translator ftw? I don't have an ''insert language'' to german dictonnary, otherwise this would have been a lot easier.XD

HeRO Reihen baumstamm auf dem Server.

Best I could do with patched up work using different translators and trying to really get the good words. Though I'm not even sure i got a good translation of what Itaki said Icon_sad

RE: help help i?m new T_T - Itaki No Shorai - 07-19-2007

what is heldakten i have make this question xD ?hm do you have msn? can you add me?
my hotmail is

RE: help help i?m new T_T - GM-Pandora - 07-19-2007

We've uploaded a full client, it is however still untested, but maybe you wanna give it a try.


On a side note, the server does require that you speak basic english to play on heRO, so you can interact with the community, understand the rules and be able to respond if a GM asks you anything.

RE: help help i?m new T_T - bensei - 07-19-2007

heya, long time no see, maybe you remember me? D= sorry for suddenly disappearing but i went back to my old server since the trouble calmed down a bit... anyway i checked the forums after a long time and think i could help since im german ;O

also, du l?dst RO und die sakray von Ratemyserver runter und installierst die, (1. link von pandora)
danach l?dst du den letzten Hero patch runter und installierst ihn in den RO ordner den du als erstes installiert hast. (2. link von pandora)

oh and GM auron, your translator is... uhm really strange @_@;

anyway i hope i could help a bit. maybe ill pop up some more in the near future @_@

RE: help help i?m new T_T - GM-Pandora - 07-19-2007

Thanks Icon_smile