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Post Bot Tests Here - Printable Version

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Post Bot Tests Here - Asumi - 08-12-2007

Post dates and times (server time please. Use @time if you dont know it) of when you get bot tested. I am creating this thread only because I am curious and it seems like a good idea right now.I have in no way lost faith in our GMs or anything like that, but there is often that one time you see a miner laying dead and wonder: "why is he just sitting there...is he afk, and if he is afk, then why would he leave in the middle of the mines?" I love our GMs and they do a wonderful job ftr. Icon_redface


RE: Post Bot Tests Here - Salvosa - 08-12-2007

Uh...I'm sorry. I'm not typically a suspicious person, but this seems a tad bit odd. Why are you asking for this exactly? Does it really seem appropriate to make a thread that is, for all intents and purposes, checking up on the GMs?

What other possible motive could there be in posting this except that you aren't satisfied with how the GMs are bot testing?

I mean, use simple logic. If people posted every time a bot test occurred, botters would know exactly when to get on to bot. They'd just avoid the check times.

No real offence against you, (since your motives are totally ambiguous) but this is one of the worst ideas ever.

RE: Post Bot Tests Here - GM-Pandora - 08-12-2007


RE: Post Bot Tests Here - Former-GM-Mystra - 08-20-2007

My bot checks are chaotic in time and I do not say when I'm on-line checking. In my prime time, I was the triger happy jail boting/dualing guru. Don't make me start again... or you will be sorry (if you cheat).