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New wing/pet ideas - Printable Version

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New wing/pet ideas - Hel Lauren - 08-21-2007

Hey everyone, this is Lauren Revolt....lol ^_^;....anyways, I've had two ideas for new things: one being a new pair of wings and one being a tameable monster

Even though they start effecting elements no other wings have, I think poison wings would be an awesome idea. They could maybe even increase your chance to poison someone with your attack. Needless to say, what I had in mind in order for the creation of the wings would require a LOT of poison spore, as you may have already guessed lol.

As for the tameable monster, I thought a Miyabi Doll would be cool to have as a pet. Lol, and thats pretty much it for that bit.

I'm ok with either a yes or no, just please dont ignore my ideas Cry

RE: New wing/pet ideas - GM-Pandora - 08-21-2007

Interresting suggestions, we'll see ^_^

RE: New wing/pet ideas - The Legendary Joe - 08-21-2007

Personally, I like the Idea of Skeleton Wings, that give you undead Property,Maybe that could have a health sucking effect when you attack, so you can go BRAINZ when you attack or something.

RE: New wing/pet ideas - GM-Pandora - 08-21-2007


RE: New wing/pet ideas - Force-Attuned Krogoth - 08-21-2007

I'd go for that. But I'd be singing a song instead of merely saying "BRAINS ..."

All we want to do is eat your brains
we're not unreasonable
I mean, noone's going to eat your eyes.
All we want to do is eat your brains
we're at an impasse here,
maybe we should compromise.
You open up the door ...
and we'll all come inside and eat your brains!

RE: New wing/pet ideas - Général_Argos - 08-21-2007

Shadow prop wings with bathory too? :oIcon_suprised Would give a lame attack spell like napalm beat or soul strike.

RE: New wing/pet ideas - Altaire - 08-21-2007

Oh, that's a neat idea ^_^. Have you thought of what it would look like?

Skeleton wings are cool too Icon_smile.

RE: New wing/pet ideas - Hel Lauren - 08-22-2007

...^_^; What happened to my poison wings idea? They seemed to have been hijacked by Skeleton wings XD. Oh well, those would be cool too though don't get me wrong, I just thought you know...Evil Druid Card would be mucho difficult. Argipope is a little reasonable, for most players at least. Plus like...lvl 5 Envenom wouldn't be too bad. Anyways, it's all up to Pandie anyways soo yea =P

RE: New wing/pet ideas - Aaronock - 08-23-2007

Poison is one of the easiest elements to get around, the wings most likely would be useful only in pvm...but then again I find all the wings to only be useful in pvm.

Sorry I don't like the element wings cause it gives away what element you are wearing way too easily, making it easily counterable in pvp if you have the gears. *especially for mage class, archer class and some TK's/SG's or weird dagger SL's* :p

RE: New wing/pet ideas - GM-Pandora - 08-23-2007

Elemental wings arent meant to be great in pvp Icon_wink They're stylish and for pvm.