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Gravity Error - Printable Version

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Gravity Error - DragonFly74 - 09-07-2007 05:24 AM

Question Mark/?;ok i know i may seem like a newb, but i have several RO folders with different servers on them. i have a Main Ro folder i copy and put a new server into it. right now i Dled all the stuff i need and when i try to play i get a black screen and then a Gravity Error. i tried looking for a solution in the forums and such but i can't seem to find one that fits my current problem. i have had no problems with the other servers under the copied Main Ro file i have but it is starting to get to me that i see a cool new server to play on and i can't get in to play, it makes me sad, i want in to play and have fun. can anybody help me please????Question MarkQuestion Mark

RE: Gravity Error - GM-Pandora - 09-07-2007 08:00 AM

Sure thing, other people had that problem, it seemed related to their RO not being updated enough. Check for the size of your sdata.grf, if it's under a gig you probably need to update or maybe you have ragnarok "lite" which unfortunatly we're not compatible with. Make sure you don't have a data folder, if you do rename it or delete it. Lastly, I assume you installed the september files?

If none of that seems to work, can you please post a screenshot of your RO folder I'll see if I can help further.

RE: Gravity Error - DragonFly74 - 09-07-2007 10:11 AM

everytime i try to update my sak and rag files they have errors when they repack. other than that i seem to have everything set, not sure if the updates are the problem or not.

they update with no problem in my other server folders, but in here they seem to have an error when they go to repack the files.

RE: Gravity Error - Culex - 09-07-2007 11:33 AM

hm...I know it might not help..but make sure you don't have any /data/ Folder in your RO directory..might screw up with the grf..anyway.

If you're having problem with updating sakray, I can give you another patcher that has always worked well for me, I'll upload it in a sec

RE: Gravity Error - Culex - 09-07-2007 11:39 AM

There it is, make sure the .exe is in your ro folder and then execute it :O


RE: Gravity Error - DragonFly74 - 09-07-2007 01:09 PM

nope, still having problems. i have tried various things to get on but i can't seem to get things to work. my sak and rag files quit after they get to the repack part of the upgrade. not sure why, it never does that with the other server files i have. wonder if i don't have something for the server, is there a main server file and not just the patches or are the patches like a main server file??

edit. in the Gravity Error it says HeRo.exe in a few lines then on the last it says kernnel32.dll, is that a file i need or is it just some hidden file??

i would make a SS of it but i don't know how to do it out of the game.

RE: Gravity Error - ShadesOfBlue - 09-07-2007 02:07 PM

kernel32.dll is a vital system file. if you didnt have it windows wouldnt run. are you on vista? if you are i would seriously recomend dumping that garbage and goin to or back to XP.Vista is only the beta version of thier next OS much like ME was for XP.

RE: Gravity Error - GM-Pandora - 09-07-2007 02:49 PM

To take a screenshot, simply hit the printscreen button, as you would do in ro. Then open up Paint (start menu > accessories > Paint) and in Paint menu select Edit -> Paste.

Then save your image somewhere easy to remember, to post it for us here, goto http://www.imageshack.us, click browse, select your previously saved file. After uploading it you'll get a bunch of links, copy and paste the last one here.

RE: Gravity Error - DragonFly74 - 09-07-2007 04:17 PM

ok here are the ss i took of my HeRo file

[Image: HeRofiles.jpg]
[Image: HeRoFiles2.jpg]
[Image: HeRoFiles3.jpg]

RE: Gravity Error - GM-Pandora - 09-07-2007 06:40 PM

You sdata.grf is too small, you probably have ragnarok lite, you will need to download the full folder or download a full sakray to play.
