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~a heRO story~ - Printable Version

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~a heRO story~ - Spire - 10-03-2007 09:11 AM

((This is usually updated weekly, if I haven't posted in a week please bother me untill I do Icon_biggrin ))

Chapter 1: Starts on Page 1
Chapter 2: Starts on Page 3

Chapter:1 Cursed Darkness

The skys over Prontera were dark, and the heavens seemed lost, as the hero's of the land fell to the Dark lord.??The soil itself fell into the darkness.??And the fallen rose from it.??Corpses of dead hero's arose from their slumber.??Luckly for the hero's who remained, the creatures who had spawned, only watched.??Some heros thought the Dark one had sent spies among us.??Finally someone did something.

An arrow flew through the air at one of the villans that plagued our land. A young Hunter, who had not yet earned his heroship, drew back his bow for another shot.??Through the air arrows sped sending the fallen back to their graves...??But they did not stay long, they arose again, only to stare at him.??

"Spire, run!" an Assassin in training, yelled at him, her voice was obviously feminine.??She lept behind him, dispatching another of the beasts.??"You have to be more careful", she said adjusting her red hair, "You can't kill them, they'll just get back up."

"I have to do something, this town is ours, it was founded by our ancestors.??But we have failed to protect it.??I can't just sit and wait for everyone to die. Rika, we have to do something.??Before all of this gets worse." Spire said looking tword the sky.

Rika looked at him with a sad face upon her, she remembered what happened at the last Trial of Heros, they both had fought for their symbol of true heroism, and they had both failed.??Spire had run into the forest, crying.??It was his dream to become a heRO, like Huntress or Kamon.??A Hero who didn't hide behind armor.??She was out looking for him when The Dark One attacked.

Spire blamed himself for the dark ones triumph, "If only I had been there, I could have made a difference."

"Spire, listen, for the last time it wasn't your fault.??You couldn't have done anything...??He is just too powerful." Rika said, knowing that is would be futile

"I.. I.. I will go to his layer, and fight him... My frien... Our friends need to be avenged, our town needs to be reclaimed.??Our hope.. must be restored." Spire said slowly at first but getting louder as he went. "Tomorrow, I'll go on this death march, right into his home.??And only one of us will leave that place."

At dawn Spire got his pack off the shelf of his small home, he secured his bow, checked his quiver.??He was set, he opened his door, only to find the stench of the dead upon him, three zombies had wandered to his door, he closed it quickly.??A pounding began to resound on his doorstep, they were trying to get inside trying to get to him.??His shaking arm reached back and drew his bow, he was almost petrified in fear.??Finally the door failed to hold and the creatures...


RE: ~a heRO story~ - Jasper - 10-03-2007 12:27 PM

Two thumbs up.

RE: ~a heRO story~ - Static - 10-03-2007 01:50 PM

Woah woah woah where am i in all this... Icon_razz hehe jk, nice story

RE: ~a heRO story~ - Lis and Olo - 10-03-2007 02:02 PM

I really like the imagery, you have nice writing skills here. And yay, I'm (Kamon) mentioned in it. I'd gladly read another chapter once you come up with more. Darn cliffhangers. <3


RE: ~a heRO story~ - Spire - 10-03-2007 07:50 PM

The slaves of the Dark One moved near Spire, his breath was heavy, he let an arrow fly, but his shaky hand failed him, a shear miss.??Fear flooded him as they drew in closer.??Almost upon him, .. but suddenly a silver marked blade ran quickly across the beasts a Green haired maiden had been lurking in the shadows. Rika, Who's hair was constantly changing, had heard the pounding upon her friends door and ran to the rescue.??The beasts fell to the ground in a pool of foul smelling flesh. "Are you?okay?" Rika asked looking down upon Spire.

Catching his breath after a while he responded. "Thank.. you..??I could have died,"

"I think the Zombies overheard you yesterday.??I think you shouldn't go by yourself.??And don't be all macho telling me that you should go alone!??Even if you tell me no I'll still follow you." Rika said crossing her arms, secretly she was worried about him, not pausing in her speech to let him talk.

"I guess I have no choice," Spire said with a laugh, he knew Rika was stubborn and cared a lot about him, they did grow up together after all.

The two walked the town gathering everyone together neer the decayed fountain in the center of the now destoryed town, and after a few short goodbyes they set out on their journey to the Layer of the Dark One.

RE: ~a heRO story~ - azurerogue - 10-03-2007 09:41 PM

That's really cool. I think more people should do this. I might start one up at some point if I ever get spare time outside of my field placement for teaching. Way to go - it's very good so far.

RE: ~a heRO story~ - Kadar - 10-04-2007 01:47 AM

Perhaps all of the stories should stay consistent and in the same world. So events in one story happen in the other stories as well. Granted of course that other people want to write stories.

RE: ~a heRO story~ - Former-GM-Auron - 10-04-2007 02:39 AM

Good story, can't wait to learn what happens next.Icon_smile

RE: ~a heRO story~ - Spire - 10-05-2007 09:01 AM

Spire looked back at the looming darkness of Prontera.? The blackened walls still shown from quite a distance away. ?The Road twords the east had shown slight signs of corruption. However, it was Bright outside the city walls, the decaying clouds only loomed above the city, outside, the Lunatic hopped joyfully and happily, blissfully unaware of the darkness that lay inside the city walls.

it was almost eerie to feel sunshine, for it had been days that the two young adventures had last felt the warmth of sunshine. Everything was in the norm outside the city.??Porings, Thief bugs.. Everything was just like is was a week ago, and how it had been t the citys founding.??Almost as though it had been forgotten by the dark one, like he only cared about terrorizing the town.

Spire and Rika hiked all day through winding paths trying to make it to the town of Geffen where they hoped a mafge could point them in the right direction. They had to walk along a cliff face because it was too high to scale. when the two found a small crevice. This was one of the few passes though the mountains surrounding Prontera.

They pushed their way through the tight crevice, for it was bearly enough room to pass through.Once on the other side, they found themselves in a beautiful forest. Covered in plants of millions of varities.?They looked around gawking at all they saw, never being outside the mountains before this was a sight to see.?However, Wolves lived inside these woods, and everyone of the city knows to be scilent when they enter them. Because one wolf might now pose a threat but 20 or 30 wolves can be very dangerous.

Danger lurked ahead of Spire.??He could feel eyes watching him as Rika lead him forward.??They walked into an open area where the sunshine poured in throught the trees, a beautiful sight. It was quiet here, very tranquil.??The birds of the trees, seemed to have betrayed their melody, because they sat in scilence.??Branches cracked underfoot as Spire looked out into the stillness.

Nothing was there as far as he could tell, but he could not shake the feeling of being watched.??He pulled out his bow readying an arrow for any attacker that might appear, like he had many times before.??All of the sudden lighting fast shapes appeared darting from every direction, just out of the once quiet darkness. Rika taken in shock of the insident could not move. Spire only managed to down one of the beasts but they were moving in on the party...


RE: ~a heRO story~ - GM-Pandora - 10-22-2007 01:42 PM


We're waiting Icon_wink