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Making money... - Printable Version

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Making money... - Rook_rocks - 10-24-2007

I just started here, and what I had most difficulty in doing is making money. I'm already on my base 40's but my zenny is still on its 20k's. And I'm yet to buy equips.

The problem I noticed was we level up too fast but our characters' progress is not matched by the growth of finance. We kill monsters, gain a level, then move on. This fast-paced levelling is not supportive of loot collecting. In the end, we get many levels, but few loots. Thus, little money. And the fact that there are too few players to vend on...

What can be done I think is too raise the price of loots, or at least raise drop rates. Or lower the price of standard items and warping.

I don't see myself making million when I reach 99, with the way I'm going. Sob.Cry

RE: Making money... - Spire - 10-24-2007

You might not notice but HeRO accually has a fairly decient economy, and making money is not that tough. You could try if your having problems with money is a few of the custom ways we have on HeRO, Such as fishing or mining. If you don't know how to do either of them you can go to the main website www.hero-server.net and click on Custom-stuff.

RE: Making money... - GM-Pandora - 10-24-2007

Economy is very relative from one player to another, some level 99 chars are still poor while others are millionaire.

Anyhow, we're not planning on increasing loot price or drop rates. But you'll see the zeny start coming in once you're higher level.

If you wanna make some money, you can try to kill monsters that drop loots that players want. Such as stems for example, I've seen sell for 1k each. If you can hunt porcellio, the fluorescent liquid are also reaching a good price these days, same with karvodainirol from poison spores.

There's also fishing/mining that can make you gain a certain profit. And of course when you get a "rare", be it equipment or card, you can sell it to players, you'll usually make much more than from vending loots to NPC if it's a good item.

RE: Making money... - The Legendary Joe - 10-24-2007

I myself ENjoy mining, I generally Spend 180 k on picks (160 in my cart, 80 in inventory), Plus miscellaneous costs like warp and/or flywings, and after playuing Weight tetris trying to juggle the picks and items around from my cart and inventory for an hour or so, I come back with about 400-700 k of NPC'd Overcharged Junk, Then you get Ori, ELu, gold, lvl 4 weapon quest stones, Zodiac Quest stones, those metal fragments you need to start the fishing quest (unless you feel like taking on apocalypse at lvl 40, lol), around 50-60 of each of the elemental ores (which can also be good overcharge stuff if your desparate, if not, just vend.), steel and iron.

Main thing about becoming rich is it takes patience, and the self control not to buy every thing you can when you have enough to buy the things you want /swt

RE: Making money... - azurerogue - 10-24-2007

I agree with The Legendary Joe. Even without fishing (and I still don't mine), I managed to make a decent amount of money with patience. If you really need money, make a mage - they require very little equipment for basic leveling and since they are casters you usually are fighting things that don't fight back (Mandragoras, Floras, Geographers, and Mi Gaos - which fight back but move slow) and you make decent money like that. Going from around 40-70 as a Mage/Wizard I made over 1.4 million just OCing Mi Gaos drops.

Now that I fish I make a decent amount of money (though I think mining has potential too, I just haven't gotten around to it yet) on top of what I make from killing and looting. I'm not sure what job you are, or where you level, but I have over 100k before my first character (a merchant) got to level 45.

Good luck finding loot, you'll adjust soon enough I'm sure.

RE: Making money... - Bloody - 10-24-2007

There are two types of hunting:

1- Exp hunting

2- Rare hunting

The rare hunting is what will improve your finances. The Exp hunting is what will get you levels. If you want to get rich AND lvl fast, you're too silly for your own good. Take a break from leveling, go hunt cards that sell for a good amount. By the time you get the desired item, you'll find that you gained one or two levels. What rares to hunt at your level?

Peco Eggs
Thara Frog

And the list goes on and on. Just observe the market, find what's on hot demand and go after it.

RE: Making money... - Namine - 10-24-2007

Something that always sell, and absolutely every class can beat them: Pecopeco egg card. (EDIT: Mr. Bloody beat Namin? to it...)

Get one and it is 2 mil of zeny or something in that region. Namin? thinks that by normal loots without vending, then it will be at least until around lv 70 before zeny starts hitting even the 6 digits... Indeed, just like most other servers, there is a need to select monsters if one wants to make zeny.

Quests such as the fishing or mining ones obviously generate fortune as well... Mining generates all the items that Mr. Oka has mentioned already, while Fishing generates healing items which reduce the time it takes to level for sir, or they can be sold by vending to other players for reasonable prices. The boxes that come from fishing are also decent to vend to players as well~

Making a merchant, even if purely for the purpose of overcharging, discounting and/or vending, is obviously recommended or even necessary to make zeny.

RE: Making money... - Master Chief - 10-24-2007

I find fishing pretty effective... especially with new fishing spot... you get awesome selling loot and you get lots of fish... you can choose to sell the fish if you really want zeny's or you can keep for lvling purposes...

RE: Making money... - Kadar - 10-24-2007

Another great way to save money if you are really desperate is sitting. If you decide to sit when you want to recover hp rather than using money on pots you can save tons and tons of money. It does take a little longer to level though. Leveling slows greatly as time goes on. Your money will catch up if you save it wisely.

RE: Making money... - Aaronock - 10-25-2007

I always like to mine and sell eggs to players, I mean I actually have money sitting in my bank now and I don't even play that often here.

You can make quite a few mil before being level 99 non trans if you do things right, I can say more later but I got class! :]