heRO-Server Forum
Proper Introduction - Printable Version

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Proper Introduction - funkyfly - 11-07-2007

Hi All, I've finally settled in this server and am really amped about starting fresh and working hard to gather the equipments. I currently have a thief and a merchant and their names are Lyn The Rogue and Lin The Merchant respectively.

So far I really love the global chat function that saves any solo leveling player his/her from boredom and insanity. The people I have interacted with have been kind and generous so far.

I hope to go for many group events such as MVPing and quests with anyone once I am properly equipped.

RE: Proper Introduction - Jack Skellington - 11-07-2007

Welcome to heRO! As always, don't eat the ponies.

RE: Proper Introduction - GM-Pandora - 11-07-2007

Welcome ^_^ Glad you're enjoying the server.