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Greatest Confusion - Sekaru - 11-07-2007 01:40 PM

just finished the whole FLCL series... 6 episodes yay ^_^ and I must say although it was the coolest most badass thing I've seen in a long time I still don't really know what made it good or what the hell happened... take a look for yourselves I suggest it to any action or love story fans. If you understand it please clarify it for the 15 people and myself who are stuck like this Icon_suprised

RE: Greatest Confusion - The Legendary Joe - 11-07-2007 05:38 PM

lol Furi Kuri is indeed a random anime, Or Fooly Cooly in America (FLCL for short). Somehow, there are some anime's that aren'tmeant to be understood /swt

RE: Greatest Confusion - Namine - 11-07-2007 08:43 PM

If one must talk about anime that is not to be understood, Namin? must say EVA Sweat Nothing but pure headache from watching it...

RE: Greatest Confusion - Alexander - 11-08-2007 10:03 PM

If you enjoyed that, I suggest Excel Saga as your next series to watch.

As for what happened in FLCL? Well...it doesn't really matter. I think that's the kind you watch just because you're going "WTF?!" every two seconds instead of being involved in the plot. Which yes! There was plot! But it was just there. And I don't particularly feel like attempting to explain it...*Pause for 5 minutes*

SO HERE! =D http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fooly_Cooly

RE: Greatest Confusion - Sekaru - 11-09-2007 01:03 PM

thats not a plot its a headache Icon_razz either way the main part of this anime was..... uhm... everything that had to do with Raharu Icon_razz and Atmosk lol and no worries people this isn't a spoiler event though you heard names you'll still be all Icon_suprised when you see it Icon_razz

RE: Greatest Confusion - Rei Ayanami - 11-12-2007 11:13 AM

I still need to watch that. thanks for reminding the fact that i bought the dvds some time ago and have not watched it yet.

if you like being confused, Serial Experiments Lain. I doubt anyone managed to figure out what its all about first go. it took me 3 reruns to understand parts of it and an explanation from a friend. but it is well worth watching even after those aspirins.

Eva actually makes sense to me. Scary as it is i have met people whose personalities are exactly the same as the characters there. and oh yes even rei *shivers in fear*, a good friend of mine is actually fearfully like asuka, except she is very very short, and looks really chibi and cute... until she comes across flirty guys. i have yet to meet a masochistic and womanizing bum like kaji though.

if you like a WTF anime, hum lets see. fumoffu is very very random. Karas also does not make much of a sense in terms of plot to me. its too chopped off. kage kara is also random and funny Icon_biggrin

RE: Greatest Confusion - DraconicDon - 11-12-2007 04:56 PM

Stand back, I'm going to attempt to explain it!

*deep breath*
Atomsk is a super space pirate guy who gets caught by Medical Mechanica and put into some seventh layer of hell that can only be reached by hitting someone special in the forehead with a guitar of +3 awesomeness. Haruko being in search of Atomsk thwacks young schoolboy Naota with said guitar in hopes of having Atomsk fly out the other end, what wasn't expected was that Medical Mechanica placed a series of what appears to be guards in hopes that Atomsk would not be freed. Several episodes later they fight the giant hand Medical Mechanica thing, which later on is used to activate a "If we can't have it(Atomsk) nobody can" kind of plan to activate the giant iron and smooth and destroy everything on the planet. This plan is stopped by Naota becoming one with Atomsk and blowing the giant hand thing into pieces, and thus prepares us the viewers into the climactic final battle.

Thats pretty much the story, Everyone else is just crazy.

RE: Greatest Confusion - YouKnowWho - 11-12-2007 10:31 PM

Drac has just about got it down. Basically Haruko is greedy for power and Atomsk is a giant source of it. She basically gets people to trust her and then uses them to get close to Atomsk. However, as you can see, this hasn't worked out yet.

The whole hitting-in-the-head deal with the guitar wasn't supposed to make perfect sense. It was actually an idea developed towards the end of production, I believe. Either way, it's just that the guitar opens a portal within Naota's mind that pops MM robots out of it when he gets very emotional.

I have to say, if people paid more attention to the dialogue in the show, it actually makes perfect sense. Maybe not the first time through, but the second time should be way less confusing. Lots of people I talked to about it didn't realize that there really was very much story at all only because they didn't pay attention to the small bits of important dialogue.

RE: Greatest Confusion - ROCKFISH - 11-13-2007 02:49 PM

Watching it over with the directors comments on is also highly recomended.

RE: Greatest Confusion - Sekaru - 11-13-2007 04:23 PM

haruko loves atmosk though so I doubt she is simply power hungry Icon_razz