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A few forums suggestions... - Printable Version

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A few forums suggestions... - Whispers - 11-11-2007

I'm not sure if these have been suggested, but I'm not going to look through every post that returns the word "Forum".??>_>

First is more of a question... When Iread through a forum it doesn't mark it as being read.??Does anyone else have this problem???It's really annoying since I have to go back to the forum and manually mark it as read.??It also marks forums as updated whenever I, myself, post in them.??Again, I have to manually mark these forums as read - I'll have to do that to the suggestions thread after I post this.

Now, the suggestions.??First is lists.??Can we implement these kinds of list?

I like that we have unmarked and numbered lists, but sometimes one wants to use lettered examples or bullets.

o0o, found this one actually is implemented - guild forums.??Where do I access those???o.0

I had a lot more, but they escape me.??I'll just settle for list suggestion for now.??When I remember what else I had in mind I'll post them in a bump.??No1


I remember one!

Wait, now I forgot it... Damnit... Oh yeah!

Off-topic polls!??Let's have 'em!??=D

That'd be great for, well, off-topic polls.??=p

And one of these!??[Image: icon_arrow2.gif] to compliment the already-existent Icon_arrow!??Because it gets used so very often, of course. No1

RE: A few forums suggestions... - Loki - 11-11-2007

bullets work you just have to do
[ list][/ list] and put the * in [] so [*]

results in:
  • one

RE: A few forums suggestions... - Whispers - 11-11-2007

Ah, sweet, ty.??So, it's
[ list][*]Jim Dandy
[*]Bob Rose[/list]
and not
[list=*]Jim Dandy
Bob Rose[/list]

I also tried
[list=*][*]Jim Dandy
[*]Bob Rose[/list]
which actually returns this:

[list=*][*]Jim Dandy
[*]Bob Rose[/list]


I guess my code was off since this is most likely a BBCoded forum and I don't think the actual code changes from forum to forum.??So now then.??How about makin
[ list=a]Jim Dandy
Bob Rose[/list]

Or is it actually
[ list][a]Jim Dandy
[b]Bob Rose[/list]
  • [a]Jim Dandy
    [b]Bob Rose


..Oh wow...[ list] doesn't work in [ code].??It actually makes a list...Well, that makes [ code] worthless.??>_>

RE: A few forums suggestions... - Jack Skellington - 11-11-2007

Whispers Wrote:I'm not sure if these have been suggested, but I'm not going to look through every post that returns the word "Forum".??>_>

First is more of a question... When Iread through a forum it doesn't mark it as being read.??Does anyone else have this problem???It's really annoying since I have to go back to the forum and manually mark it as read.??It also marks forums as updated whenever I, myself, post in them.??Again, I have to manually mark these forums as read - I'll have to do that to the suggestions thread after I post this.

I find the easiest way to do this is when you read a post, back track 1 step, say Your in the thread "A few forum suggestions" then instead of going straight to the home page, go to "suggestions/questions."

Its a pain sometimes but it works.

RE: A few forums suggestions... - Whispers - 11-12-2007

Yeah I tried searching for titles containing "Forum" in the Suggestion thread, but I got a bunch of requests for guild forums, suggestions on what kind of forum/s should be added, or suggestions about rules.

If you search it now you find a post suggesting the addition of certain codes! =D

RE: A few forums suggestions... - GM-Pandora - 11-12-2007

The forum pertty much come "as is" in terms of BBcodes and how they handle post that have or have not been read.

Hope you can live with it ^_^; Being the top poster by far (I'm such a spammer lol) I've learned to cope with that sorta. When I check the main forum page I open a tab for each section that contains new post. Then another tab for each new post per section. Then I close the tabs as I read.

RE: A few forums suggestions... - DemonicPrince - 11-12-2007

  • Testing
Well it works fine for me xD
○ Testing 2

hehe, that wasn't a list, it's Alt-777

RE: A few forums suggestions... - Whispers - 11-13-2007

Panda, you're a forum fiend like me on XeRO.??I did the same thing and accumulated 2,000 polls in the few months I was there.??Everyone thought I was trying to be number one with the number of posts, but I was really just a forum junkie.??=p

DemonicPrince, Alt codes are great.??Knowledge of them is like music theory for an instrument and can be used accordingly.??Saying something in a foreign language is made ever clearer with the proper accent marks.

Case in point:??Try ending an E-mail or evening chat with your g/f (let's hope it's a real life g/f No1 ) on "Pueda los suenos mas dulces consumen su suenos en esta noche, mi diosa hermosa."


"Puede los sue?os m?s dulces consumen su sue?o en esta noche, mi diosa hermosa."

Yeah.??Like butter.??Ok

Like a sweet serenade; sweet nothings in her ear.??Icon_wink

Or, something in French...

Sacre Bleu!??Vous ne devez pas etre ici dans notre cheteau en ce moment!??Obtenir hors!


Sacr? Bleu!??Vous ne devez pas ?tre ici dans notre ch?teau en ce moment!??Obtenir hors!

If you yelled either of the French ones at me I wouldn't know wth you said anyway even if the accent marks don't do much for that example.??I used freetranslation.com to render the French translation.??xD??Yes, I know you French Canadians don't say "Sacr? Bleu!" but it's still funny.??=p

I remembered my other two suggestions, btw.??*bump

RE: A few forums suggestions... - GM-Pandora - 11-13-2007

Obtenir hors! -> online translator ftl? what you just said means "obtain outside" rather than "get out" XD

RE: A few forums suggestions... - Whispers - 11-13-2007

LoL - I don't do French. Most romantic language in the world my ass.

Spanish ftw. European languages are hot, too, but only because of the accent. *melts for an Eastern European accent*