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Server down for a few hours :( - Printable Version

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Server down for a few hours :( - GM-Pandora - 11-19-2007

GM-Altheridos informed me server went down a few minutes ago Icon_sad

If it's internet provider problem at my place, server will be back up as soon as the internet comes back. Otherwise I will restart the server when I get home, but unfortunately that will not be until 7-8 PM tonight.

Very sorry for the inconvenience.

RE: Server down for a few hours :( - Loveless - 11-19-2007

Np! I will go to my old server to harass them all.

Cya when server comes up!

RE: Server down for a few hours :( - Former-GM-Mystra - 11-19-2007

Vid?orton (provider) had some problems with small hickups since yesterday night (~18 hours ago), it shouldn't be big problems.

RE: Server down for a few hours :( - Nosliw - 11-19-2007

gah sorry for not seeing this and posting a question in another topic. anyway, gl on getting it back up! i reallly like this server and i want to play it......

RE: Server down for a few hours :( - Snowfox - 11-19-2007

Awell i can wait plus ill know the isntant u get it up :D
Also what time zone is pandora in?

RE: Server down for a few hours :( - GM-Pandora - 11-19-2007

No actually, it's not Videotron this time!

When I entered home the Oven clock was striking 0:00, same for microwave and my computers were shut down, must have missed electricity >_< probably not for long, but the server is not set to restart itself automatically.

Anyhow, it's back now, sorry for the inconvenience!! -_-

RE: Server down for a few hours :( - Loveless - 11-19-2007

Pandora! Pay Bills!


Nice to have it back up!

RE: Server down for a few hours :( - Rhino_Man - 11-19-2007

>_> what? no UPS for the server? what kinda server admin are you?!?


RE: Server down for a few hours :( - Avalon_Fates - 11-20-2007

ok am i the only one that had withdrawl simptoms... i kept thinking "It cant be down..i need hydra cards..noo to close to ToH..." so i went and watched 12 hours of Anime.