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Mr. Loki's Last Patch - Printable Version

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Mr. Loki's Last Patch - Loveless - 11-20-2007


I don't mind too much about having ''Halloween Prontera'' back with last patch Gm Loki released but...

He then fixed patcher and a update with it was supossed to fix that Prontera problem, anyway, I patched and I still see Halloween Prontera.

Is there any way to fix this?


RE: Mr. Loki's Last Patch - Loki - 11-20-2007

O_o I tested that patch three times it shows regular pront for me. Try downloading the patch installer


:edit: tested it here at home where I wasn't updated and this is what I get:

[Image: screenheroserver012js1.jpg]

RE: Mr. Loki's Last Patch - Loveless - 11-20-2007

I downloaded and installed that patcher, then prontera went to halloween.

Then I ran patcher, and prontera was still halloween.

Trying again.

RE: Mr. Loki's Last Patch - Loki - 11-20-2007

kk well I just recently uploaded a new patcher at that link so it's not really the same one, just reads the same. Let me know though.

RE: Mr. Loki's Last Patch - Loveless - 11-20-2007

Thank you Loki, now Prontera is fixed but...

Now I have a folder called Hero Patch, and a Folder called Hero Patcher.

Wich one should I keep or delete?


RE: Mr. Loki's Last Patch - Loki - 11-20-2007

o_o neither lol, that may have been why it didn't work is that it installed it to that directory instead of into your ro folder

RE: Mr. Loki's Last Patch - Loveless - 11-20-2007

No... Both of your patchers were installed, one in each folder. It was the default folder, for both.

Now I have a Hero Patch Folder, and a Hero Patcher Folder.

Tell me wich one is the good one, so I delete the other.

EDIT: Done, I unistalled both and installed the last one, I just have one now. Thx.