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Missing zeny from banker - Printable Version

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Missing zeny from banker - snakeeyes321 - 11-28-2007

I made a trade with I believe a Bloody Seller, it was Bloody something if I remember, he was a biochemist. He was purchasing bucklers for 800K I made a trade with him at around 6:00pm eastern standard time today, I only deposited 600K in the banker and kept the 200k on my char. Jacknife. I signed off when I saw on main that people were having problems with the char-server. When I resigned on the 600K was missing from the banker. Is there any way to recover this, I didnt take SS of the trade, if not I'll just eat the loss.

In game char: Jacknife

RE: Missing zeny from banker - GM-Pandora - 11-28-2007

Sorry, unfortunatly we don't give back items/zeny lost in server reboot/down Icon_sad

Sorry for the inconvenience.

RE: Missing zeny from banker - snakeeyes321 - 11-28-2007

Thanks for your help anyways. No1