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ctrl+\ - Whispers - 12-04-2007

I'm not leaving, per se; however I haven't been on heRO in about a week and I don't plan on getting back on any time soon.??RO just isn't as fun as it was 5 years ago.??=/

In any case, the actual game aside, I still do love the heRO community and GM's, so I will stay here; but don't expect to see me in game too often.??And, lil' heRO can still expect my Christmas gift as Panda still needs help paying bills (seriously, running heRO costs her at least 100 bucks a month altogether.??You people who make as much money as I do should think about that) and we can consider it a gift to everyone herein as heRO is the community (RO is the game).??No1

So, there you have it.??Kurt Cobain said it is far better to burn out than to fade away, but I disagree.??I'll fade eventually and hopefully leave heRO better than it was.??Icon_biggrin

RE: ctrl+\ - Buffalo Bob - 12-04-2007

That goes for me, too, as I am the lower-case e.e. cummings, if you will.

+1m points if you get the reference. No1

RE: ctrl+\ - GM-Pandora - 12-04-2007

Awww don't go Icon_sad

RE: ctrl+ - Bloody - 12-05-2007


I mean err

Be seeing you soon Whispers. Take a break from RO and you'll miss it eventually. I hope you don't give your items or account away even as "lending" You'll need it when you're back, till then be safe.

RE: ctrl+\ - Whispers - 12-05-2007

I don't wanna and it's dubious if I ultimately will.??I just don't feel that RO love like I did back in the day, you know???=/

That RO love was everything to me, but now it's gone.??I just feel so empty when I sit here and control my little avatar around to attack other avatars endlessly.??You know why I loved it so much back then and why it bores me so now.??It's just such an ultimately stagnant experience if no one cares to join you as you endlessly slay these superfluous images.??Isn't it?

What fruit is borne from the action of slaying 1,000 Jing Guais and procuring a mystic rose and black dyestuff for a winter hat when one must do it all alone???No tiny little hat is worth all that time alone to me.??To some people alone time is meditative; to me it is not.??I require some sort of human interaction which is why I fell in love with RO.??It's a fun game with a great way to interact with other people.??Now it seems like no one cares.??I don't know.??Maybe I wasn't accepted very well here and it's just me.??Who knows?

I just know it's not fun like it was.??What you do is great as it provides a tremendous amount of happiness herein and you are receiving a glorious amount of karma continuously for every person on this server experiencing a feeling of contentment as a result of your server and game modifications.??Everyone on here enjoys it, I just find it's not for me atm.??For whatever reason this is and for whatever length of time it may last; there you have it.

Maybe some things going on in my life are hindering me being happy with RO.??I sit there and think about doing somethign then I think, "Why?" and that provides a solid argument.??Why? indeed.??=/

As Bloody states, I probably just need a break.??Afterall, I'm just leaving the game.??I might be back, it's why I choose to fade away.??If I decide to take RO back up, I can come back here as I never officially left and it wouldn't be awkward for me to return.??Whereas if I just said, "RO sucks, I'm done," I'd have to start from scratch possibly on a different server (I'm kind of an arrogant person no matter how much I hate the adjective...) in which case I might just call it quits altogether (Procrastinators unite!??...tomorrow!).??Even if I don't like RO, I love heRO, and it might be hard to weed me out of the forums.??=p

I'll always be here in some way... if not in the archives.??Icon_wink

RE: ctrl+\ - funkyfly - 12-05-2007

In my opinion, what you are feeling is very normal and I blame it on the game mechanics of RO itself for your frustrations. Grinding is never easy. I myself quit RO 2-3 years ago and surprisingly i came back. That was probably due to the new things that was added. I'm sure all those who play RO will grow tired of it sooner or later. However, some of those that do, will return to restart the cycle.

RE: ctrl+\ - Whispers - 12-05-2007

It's like smoking. Except the opposite (because smoking is bad for you =p ). Why did I quit? *puff puff hack hack wheez wheez* Oh yeah... Mad

RE: ctrl+\ - funkyfly - 12-05-2007

Smoking? lol . Nah, I think this feeling you are experiencing can be applied to all mmorpgs (YES even WoW)