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heRO, hiiiiiii~ - Printable Version

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heRO, hiiiiiii~ - Snow - 01-15-2008 05:45 PM

I really shouldn't be posting an introduction thread just yet. I'm still in my initial shyness phase, before I glomp you all, nuzzle you, and smother you in love and affection. Be gentle with me? Love

You can call me Snow, Snowy, or anything that sounds like something you'd want to cuddle and feed biscuits.

*takes a deep breath* I'm a girl, but a transgendered one. Born physically male, but with a heart and mind that refuse to identify that way. I'm not going to talk in any great length on the subject. If there are questions you feel you need to ask, you may, just please be understanding. It's a difficult subject for me, but I prefer to get it out of the way as soon as possible. Cry
I came here with my friend, FelesVulpes. I only have one character at the moment, who will be my main. An acolyte called Snowy, who I wish to be a Magnus Exorcismus High Priestess someday~ I'll make evil go BOOM. I do like to help people out too, and although I'm not in the best position to do so right now, the offer stands for the future. Ok

Let's all have fun together, 'kay?

Also, Snow Bunnies, I love you~! *snuggles one* Love

RE: heRO, hiiiiiii~ - GM-Pandora - 01-15-2008 05:56 PM

Welcome fuzzy one ^_^

RE: heRO, hiiiiiii~ - Kaoreii - 01-15-2008 07:12 PM

Welcome to the server~ :D

If you ever want someone to talk to, feel free to talk to me. Love After a while I'll probably start smothering -you- with affection. Whistle

You can find me most often on either my sniper or my alchemist. Ok

RE: heRO, hiiiiiii~ - Rika - 01-15-2008 07:13 PM

Welcomes to the server~

RE: heRO, hiiiiiii~ - Snow - 01-16-2008 06:01 PM

Nyaww, thank you everyone ^_^ *huggles you all*

RE: heRO, hiiiiiii~ - Yumera - 01-16-2008 06:59 PM

Welcomes, :D here have one Icon_biggrin*Feeds Snow a Biscuit*

RE: heRO, hiiiiiii~ - Seriyu - 01-16-2008 08:18 PM

Heya, welcome to the server. If you ever need a swordie, soon to be sader, for... whatever reason, feel free to message me at Seriyu. Icon_razz

RE: heRO, hiiiiiii~ - zanias - 01-16-2008 08:59 PM

Hiya Flake! Welcome to heRO.

I want to ask you some questions... but... they're... awkward... kinda.. ... Yeah.

RE: heRO, hiiiiiii~ - Altaire - 01-16-2008 09:30 PM

*Pets Snow* Cuuute >w<
Welcome to heRO x3

RE: heRO, hiiiiiii~ - Snow - 01-17-2008 09:44 PM

Thank you, thankoo, thankies and thanks ^_^
Biscuits and petting are important parts of any good server! I feel quite at home~ Love

And yay, I'm almost priestess! *bounces* Too sleepy to level now though, so I'll just sit and sleepily enjoy the warm fuzzy feelings. ^_^