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Charicter Sim Banners - Printable Version

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Charicter Sim Banners - Avalon_Fates - 06-03-2008 10:04 AM

Ive been looking around and everyone seems to have those little Charicter Banners, I myself thought that was awsome and made one myself. Then I had an Idea. Wouldnt It be awsome if we could get all the hero on server who wish to join. To make their, If I was in the Ragnarok univerce what would I like to look like Charicter and post it here. Then me or someone else who is photoshop savy could make a awsome wallpaper of said people. Then every month or so we can take a pic of those same peoples ingame chars. And see how closer those peoples are to reaching the char they want to look like, also who has stayed around and who has left.

A.K.A {A shifting wallpaper of the citizens of heRO's and who they are and what they want to be.}

RE: Charicter Sim Banners - Loki - 06-03-2008 10:05 AM

ah you mean kind of like my sig Icon_wink Refresh the page and it changes lol xD, but I can cheat <.<''

RE: Charicter Sim Banners - Avalon_Fates - 06-03-2008 10:06 AM

ZOMG THATS INSANITY!!!!!! *starts spamming refresh*

RE: Charicter Sim Banners - Loki - 06-03-2008 10:09 AM

lol >.>''

RE: Charicter Sim Banners - Avalon_Fates - 06-03-2008 10:12 AM

but yes Icon_biggrin, Kinda but made out of all da heRO's. Also gives everyone a image to put with the person. So its not like 6 diff chars with 6 diff names with one person behind it. It gets very confusing >..<