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If anyone would be kind enough... - Printable Version

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If anyone would be kind enough... - SwiftStrike - 06-04-2008

to help me out, I loaned Fayth all my sinx eqiups a while back and I can't seem to reach him, I know he's given them to people so that they could borrow them, which I said was ok, so now all my stuff is with other people. I was just hoping people would be nice enough to hand it back over, so I made a list of the stuff I remember. Thanks if you do return my sinx's crappy equips. My igns are:
Swift and Tibalt
I am rarely on so you could msg me here on the forums, thanks.

+7 Immune Manteau (Raydric)
+5 Green Boots (Martyr)
2 Rings of Counter (2 Kobolds)
+6 Infiltrator
+6 Angel Helm-Found (Thanks for returning)
+7 Sasquatch Thief Clothes
+4 Undead Thief Clothes (Evil Druid)
+7 Cursed Thief Clothes
+7 Demon Fungus Thief Clothes
+8 Triple Critical Jur (Soldier Skeleton)
+7 Triple Orc Skeleton, 1 Desert Wolf Quad Jur. (or whatever the hell it was, Gigantic something)
Ice Pick

I'm sure I forgot half the jurs but oh well, I'm not reporting Fayth since he is a good friend, and hell it was obvious I knew what I was doing and what the consequences would be if this happened. Anyways thanks for taking the time to read.

RE: If anyone would be kind enough... - Aaronock - 06-04-2008

Sorry, I got none of that stuff passed over to me for lending purposes. Good luck in re-aquiring it though Sir Swift!

RE: If anyone would be kind enough... - Fruityla - 06-04-2008

I think Fayth may have quit given I haven't seen him on at all and Apoc is lead by Trowa now.

RE: If anyone would be kind enough... - GM-Pandora - 06-04-2008

I hope people will be honest.

RE: If anyone would be kind enough... - thecursed - 06-04-2008

all of his equips were given to Sawaharu