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Food cards - Printable Version

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Food cards - Kiaro - 06-18-2008

Food cards used to drop food pretty nicely. Now they don't. RMS says it's a .5% drop.

In the past, the x3 drop rate didn't appy (I think) but they were pretty high anyways. Now they're low, so I'm asking if we'll bring food drops (which are now balanced to proportion with how everything else drops iRO style) up to x3 to 1.5%.

They're pretty not-worth wearing at the moment.

y/n GMs? thanks.

RE: Food cards - Aaronock - 06-18-2008

I'm in support for 1.5%...as I agree the cards suck now when the drop rate is so low on all the items, and then we have customs which drop giftboxes more often or a few other goodies and I just have a sad face thinking about it.

RE: Food cards - GM-Ayu - 06-18-2008

the x3 is already applied. For example, a mimic card is having 0.1% success rate, but in heRO it's *already* multiplied to 0.3%.

Namine already asked by PM to reverse the rate, but that's too bad. We always say, whatever the svn updates to, we go with it. You'll just need some other way to compensate or adjust to the new changes.

The food cards, and all other item production cards, stay as they are now. We are not changing them.

RE: Food cards - Kiaro - 06-19-2008

By the looks of it, it's not 3x, but I'll have to test it. My sample size was admittedly small (200~)

Can a GM test the .5% vs 1.5% drop thing? I don't feel like dropping 2 hours into it and you guys can just spawn stuff for testing on a test server or something right? 5,000 or so should be a good enough test sample.

This isn't a 'waaah baaw svn change' thread, so much as a 'Can we hold production items to hero worth rather than iRO worth', since obviously iRO worth is 1/3rd of hero worth.

So ya, if there's a specific reason we'd want to have food production items at x1 drops and all other drops at x3, I'd love to hear it (I mean it wouldn't be something rational like balance). It'd be, pretty much, the definition of arbitrary.

But if they are x3, and my test was a statistical anomole, then disregard topic because suggestion is already implemented.

RE: Food cards - GM-Ayu - 06-19-2008

Also, it's not like back in older svn we changed the numbers manually to reflect a "x 3" item drop rate. We left the numbers as is and let the game handle everything. Likewise we did the same and we noticed that food items went drastically down (Plasma card is far more obvious.) Since we never touched the items in both cases, we can only speculate that the activation rate of the cards went down naturally.

RE: Food cards - Kiaro - 06-19-2008

Yes, you didn't change the rates before. This wasn't very pressing, because the rates were rather high.

If you could explain why leaving the drop rates to the game is a good idea I'd like to hear it, I just don't understand. You don't leave the drop rates of any monster or exp or any monster to the game (and in the case of valk shields you even make a custom drop rate). It seems to me that 'leaving things to the game' either has no reason or is simply an arbitrary choice.

On hero, farming all items is about 3x faster, besides valk shield which is 1.5x faster. I assume this had a reason (valk shields are amazing, being a core one). Why the exception for food drops from cards? I don't see why 1.5% is say, overpowered of broken instead of .5%, but it would be consistant with the drop of every other item on the server.

I can't help but note if this was any other item (the new cards like, I dunno, siroma cards) that were at .01% rather than .03%, this would not 'just be left to the game'.

So, just requesting either 3x drop or just the good reasoning behind why food should be left in official server condition.

RE: Food cards - GM-Ayu - 06-19-2008

Err... guess I was unclear on the last post... I didn't say food/item clips aren't getting a multiplier by 3 bonus o_O; It always had one, and in this svn they still have one. Just that the natural rate of activation dropped, and therefore that's why you have less of it.

That's what I meant by "leaving it to the game" as in, letting the simulator just apply the 3x and let it go on by itself.

So if you are farming ant eggs and using green iguana card for dex food to help with your casting speed, then every 200~ish ant egg, there is 2 dex food.

(Remember that there's a 4% chance of 0 food out of a sample of 200 if the rate is 1.5%, which is triple than that of 0.5%)

RE: Food cards - Kiaro - 06-19-2008

Yeah, I didn't get any in 200 (which I thought was more indicative of .5 than 1.5), but I suppose I was just brutally unlucky.

Thanks Ayu!

RE: Food cards - GM-Pandora - 06-19-2008

Valk shield drop was left untouched in this new svn, and reflects the official behavior, as do the food card.

We don't directly modify the drop rate of each item on all monsters, instead we have a "rate" setting, and the drop rate is set at 3 for heRO. It applies it everywhere it needs be applied.

RE: Food cards - Kiaro - 06-19-2008

Oh, I understood the motivation behind the valk shield rate nerf ( I was just using it as an example of a reason you might nerf drops - a really good item which you feel is a touch high for whatever reason. It's an arguable point worthy of a debate, at least.), so don't think I was trying to rag on ya for that.

And per the second point, I (clearly) wasn't sure if it automatically applied to production items on top of regular drops, since the info is all hidden like since you can't @mi it, for obvious reasons.