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heRO is to awsome.... - Printable Version

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heRO is to awsome.... - Avalon_Fates - 07-16-2008

This is my formal Notice saying that I will be spending alot, ALOT less time playing heRO. Basically 2 hours a day tops. I'm going to try and do the impossible and get my life back on track...and if I play heRO to much I know ill just get dragged in again {You people are just too loveable} So while I fix my life Ill lurk around the forums and MyAniGamer. I apologize for any commitments I may have to break and my lack of presence in the up coming RP's.

Yes ill be on for ToH's

If you need me PM me.

And I always have my MSN on my addy is Lost_Heavens_Twilight@hotmail.com

Have fun without me,


P.S. Izlude belongs to Rinato till I can play full time again.

RE: heRO is to awsome.... - Whispers - 07-16-2008

+10 for giving up something you love for a more fulfilling life.

Now only if everyone else in the world could want +10 imaginary points.??Hell, I'll offer +1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 and a Napple!??That's 60hp, 250exp a bite for three bites!??Then the remaining core can be used as a projectile or in alchemical mixtures!??You can't lose!??Change now!

Offer valid only in Galluptiaghast and its legal territories

RE: heRO is to awsome.... - GM-Pandora - 07-16-2008

Best of luck with your life, not saying goodbye since I'll still see you from time to time.

RE: heRO is to awsome.... - fudashi - 07-16-2008

Good Luck Fates... Remember, the glowing ball in the sky is the "sun", and is completely normal.

Hopefully still be able to catch you ingame, what with time differences and all...

RE: heRO is to awsome.... - Général_Argos - 07-16-2008

[Image: drug6.jpg]

RE: heRO is to awsome.... - JJJ - 07-16-2008

x3 wellll i'll add you to msn as soon as i get my computer back ={

RE: heRO is to awsome.... - Avalon_Fates - 07-16-2008

Shenanigans!! My post was moved!! >..<!! Sun ay....is it yellowish burns when you look at it?? I shall call it BIG FLASHLIGHT!!! not what is this clear obviously not softdrink liquid...looks like....hmmmm im not ready...

RE: heRO is to awsome.... - Fruityla - 07-16-2008

Silly Fates, you're not supposed to look directly at Mr. Big Flashlight =3 He burns your eyes out. Also, that clear stuff is called "water"


...Speaking of issues, you aren't doing this because you're taking me seriously are you? o_O

RE: heRO is to awsome.... - Avalon_Fates - 07-16-2008

um no, Im doing this cause its needed to be done for a while.

Now about the Leafcats in real life, do they help at getting a job at all if I attack them?

RE: heRO is to awsome.... - fudashi - 07-17-2008

Not unless you are going for a job as a fur coat manufacturer... but they do make a similar sound.