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Event times in GMT - Printable Version

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Event times in GMT - Neuneck - 08-13-2008

Hi there,

this is rather for the GM team. Would it be possibe to give times of events in GMT additionaly to giving them in Server Time? I sometimes get confused over +s and -s and DST and stuff...

Thanks in advance


RE: Event times in GMT - GM-Pandora - 08-13-2008

To get GMT time add +5 hours to the time given by the GM. You can also type @time in game to know the current local time.

I know it would be great to announce all event times for people all over the world sadly that would be kinda long. I believe we try to make an effort to give relative time as much as possible (i.e. event at 8 PM which is in 2 hours), if you're unsure of the event time ask the gm to precise it or ask on @main.

RE: Event times in GMT - Loki - 08-13-2008

World Clock

Or you could just compare your timezone to that of the server's (pick New York) using the clock on the WoE page of the Wiki. Link is above.

RE: Event times in GMT - Teot - 08-13-2008

Events are very random. They are not always scheduled either. So just hope you are online when a GM decides to host one.

RE: Event times in GMT - Former-GM-Mystra - 08-13-2008

The server's time is GMT -5, so if, for example, Aki says "There will be an event this saturday at 18h GMT -5.", it means that it will be at 18h server time.

RE: Event times in GMT - Neuneck - 08-21-2008

Alright, i think i got the calculations now.
I live in GMT +2 (due to daylight savings) and the Server time is GMT -5. So to know when s.th. will find place here, i have to ADD 7h on the stated time, right?

Thanks for your help Icon_smile

RE: Event times in GMT - GM-Pandora - 08-21-2008

Yeah sounds right. Best way is always to check @time in game ^_^

RE: Event times in GMT - Avogadro - 08-21-2008

WoE on Sunday is 19:00 to 21:00 GMT

WoE on Wednesday is too late for this old man.