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Vista and RO - Printable Version

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Vista and RO - Dosu - 10-06-2008

Can anyone who has windows Vista please walk me through getting heRO to work on vista?

Curse this phail operating system

RE: Vista and RO - Eldakar - 10-06-2008

I had to copy my old RO fold on XP and paste it on vista, instaling RO on vista is full of fail.

RE: Vista and RO - Dosu - 10-06-2008

would it be possible for it to work on my vista if you copied your RO folder and sent it to me? im at the end of my wits here, and its driving me batty Icon_cry

RE: Vista and RO - Général_Argos - 10-06-2008

I downloaded the hero full installer.
Installed it.
And it works just fine.??c_c

Only annoying thing is that everytime you lunch hero, Vista ask the permission to run it...

I run vista on a laptop, so its the 32 bit edition of vista.

If you play on a 'real' computer and you are using vista, you probably are using 64 bit vista like Eldakar.??The installer probably doesn't work on 64 bit.??

RE: Vista and RO - Dosu - 10-06-2008

[strike]it is a 64 yes[/strike]

Mistake mistake. It is a 32 bit operating system.

RE: Vista and RO - Master Chief - 10-07-2008

LaughAtleast Vista can play RO unlike shitty 98 that suprisingly i still have atm(Come on new computer, come on new computer, come on new computer)

RE: Vista and RO - Neuneck - 10-07-2008

Those annoying permission issues can be turned of in your system settings, under safety stuff (don't know what it's called in english, sry). Just browse around there a bit and eventually you'll find a button to switch that crap off... and yeah vista is not well made at all (rewrote that line 4 times, every time ending up with harsh language... Evil )

RE: Vista and RO - fudashi - 10-07-2008

You *can* turn UAC (User Account Control) off, but if you've been using it and installing things with it turned on, it's possibly not a good idea as (to get technical) you'll not be using the virtualised registry, so any changes that apps think they've made won't be there any more...

I run RO on Vista 64 and the only problem I get is if you get a UAC consent box, RO locks up completely and you'll need to kill it. Solution: don't run any apps that require administrative access to your computer whilst playing RO.

RE: Vista and RO - GM-Pandora - 10-07-2008

Dosu, would youb have anyone that lives nearby that play hero? If so, it would probably be easier for them to burn their RO folder and give it to you, than it would be for ehaltar to upload 1 gb+ of data.

Some people had no problem with vista while for others installing is nearly impossible, sorry I can't help much, you'll have to do it with trials and errors.

RE:??Vista and RO - Rei Ayanami 18 - 10-07-2008

fudashi Wrote:I run RO on Vista 64 and the only problem I get is if you get a UAC consent box, RO locks up completely and you'll need to kill it.??Solution: don't run any apps that require administrative access to your computer whilst playing RO.
Laugh I have Vista as well and I hate this part when you have things like Windows Updates while playing RO Sweat??If these kinds of things either pop up at free will or you need to do them asap (like required) or if you are installing/downloading anything thats gives you UAC consent box then do these first then you can play RO while those other things are working. Ok Icon_wink
Yay VISTA!! Laugh Icon_neutral