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Who wants to be a millionaire ;o! - Printable Version

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Who wants to be a millionaire ;o! - Sakurato - 10-22-2008 11:21 AM

K so, teOx and I were apparently, super bored. Annnd one thing led to another and now I need to know:

If I were to host a, HeRO Who wants to be a millionaire game, who would be interested in playing?

We could do all the normal lifelines, ask the audience, phone a friend lol :D! and 50/50. I would put up all the zeny for the event and it would likely be an hour or so, maybe more! Questions would be General RO knowledge as well as HeRO knowledge so keep that in mind ;p.

thoughts ;o?

RE: Who wants to be a millionaire ;o! - Aaronock - 10-22-2008 11:24 AM

Sounds funny, sure I'd come lol.
Guessing you two would make questions also?

RE: Who wants to be a millionaire ;o! - Général_Argos - 10-22-2008 11:27 AM

Seems a good idea, but I think it will fall into trivia events, and if you give time to 'call a friend' people will certainly have enough time to alt-tab and just look the answer over the internet. But I like the idea of the event, I just think it will probably not work exactly as expected Xd

RE: Who wants to be a millionaire ;o! - Sakurato - 10-22-2008 11:28 AM

@krim:LOL! So many ways to cheat XD! Yeah there's a few problems with it ):! Anyone have ideas on how to prevent it D:?

@Aaron: yeah unless someone else wants to help.

RE: Who wants to be a millionaire ;o! - Frogboy - 10-22-2008 11:31 AM

actually if you've watched millionaire krim, the phone-a-friend lifeline only has a 60 second timer on it, or something like that, so in this case you would do something similar, but maybe cut the time in half so they wouldn't have time to alt-tab to look up on the net as it would take all their time and if they didn't answer by the time was up, they would be penalized somehow. it would need some tweaking, yes, but the concept could still be there.

RE: Who wants to be a millionaire ;o! - Général_Argos - 10-22-2008 11:36 AM

Frogboy, you would be surprised as of what people can do in 30 sec with just 5-6 internet pages, rms item & monster search + quest guides + creation guide + hero forum for custums.

RE: Who wants to be a millionaire ;o! - Sakurato - 10-22-2008 11:36 AM

I was also thinking that people could just pm one another the answers but then I thought of just making them /exall and pming them every question to make sure all their PMs are blocked. Think it would work?

RE: Who wants to be a millionaire ;o! - Général_Argos - 10-22-2008 11:37 AM

msn, teamspeak etc. Won't work imo.

RE: Who wants to be a millionaire ;o! - Sakurato - 10-22-2008 11:42 AM

You make a good point krim, and I don't want to be cheated out of 1mz. I would hope HeROs would be considerate enough to NOT do that. I think /exall might be enough but maybe I am to trusting? ;p

RE: Who wants to be a millionaire ;o! - GT-Hiro - 10-22-2008 11:42 AM

by putting a time limit on the "phone a friend" you could eliminate to a certain degree of cheating by web browsing for the answer. By asking who they will "phone" and in addition to pm'ing that person yourself to confirm, that'll eliminate even more potencial of cheating. Of course you'll need accurate character names to do this though.

I'm guessing that "ask the audience" will be main?