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heRO meeting 2009 - Printable Version

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heRO meeting 2009 - Killouz - 12-13-2008

Hmm, I just remade that post and now you can vote for more then 1 choice, vote fast please Icon_smile

RE: heRO meeting 2009 - KohakuSan - 12-13-2008

23-24-25 and I can go!! OMG =O

RE: heRO meeting 2009 - Killouz - 12-13-2008

Herman, is it a good date for you?
And Kohaku, no way, I don't want to see you XD

RE: heRO meeting 2009 - Herman - 12-13-2008

23 24 25 is good for me.. its right after my bonus, which will pay for it.. Kohaku is riding with me.. he HAS to come!

RE: heRO meeting 2009 - KohakuSan - 12-13-2008

Killouz, Wizard Geo is coming with me too XD We'll turn your life into hell :O And sleep in your house Evil

RE: heRO meeting 2009 - Killouz - 12-14-2008


RE: heRO meeting 2009 - Monkey Feet - 12-14-2008

What's this for btw? O.O

What's the meeting ganna be about?

RE: heRO meeting 2009 - Ellie - 12-15-2008

Why did you vote if you didn't even know what it is about? XD

And be able to miss the previous two threads?

They are all going to get together. In RL. At the same place. And meet. Someplace in Canada.

RE: heRO meeting 2009 - Pistis_Sophia - 12-15-2008

Killouz Wrote:HEY!
Hmm, I just remade that post and now you can vote for more then 1 choice, vote fast please Icon_smile
I can for any of those and I'm more likely to be there.

RE: heRO meeting 2009 - Herman - 12-15-2008

Hey guys! In order for me to properly plan my time off work and such to come, I'll need to know the date by the end of this week.. hopefully we can come to an agreement by then or I'll probably have to drop out on this one. =p