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"Server Connection Closed" - Printable Version

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"Server Connection Closed" - Motenai_Ronin - 01-13-2009

[Image: 20201364eo0.th.jpg]

moment later it says failed to connect to server

shortly before this happened, I couldn't access the character selection screen, and couldn't access kafra storage, despite being charged.

yes i'm fully patched in hero and sakray, made sure of that sunday

RE: "Server Connection Closed" - Cirno - 01-13-2009

Same here jugg...have no clue why too

RE: "Server Connection Closed" - Braun - 01-13-2009

It's probably everyone.

RE: "Server Connection Closed" - GM-Aki - 01-13-2009

Yes the server seems to be down. Cry

I'll be able to get some news from Pandora when she gets up in the morning.

RE: "Server Connection Closed" - Motenai_Ronin - 01-13-2009

ohh whew, thot it was just me. Y'know without the CP we can't really check on that nemore. Whether a problem with log in is serverwide or individual.

RE: "Server Connection Closed" - SyaoranShadow - 01-13-2009

cant change char then got dc..then yeah server connection close Icon_sad

RE: "Server Connection Closed" - Fruityla - 01-13-2009

=_= Greaaaat

RE: "Server Connection Closed" - Sakurato - 01-13-2009

we have to wait till panda gets up /?

RE: "Server Connection Closed" - Aillie - 01-13-2009

its not just you and those of us lucky enough to be on cannot log off or even go to char select.
I know this doesnt help but just wanted to let you know its not just you.

Dont meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and go well with ketchup!

RE: "Server Connection Closed" - SyaoranShadow - 01-13-2009

i think..yeah