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HeRO Ventrilo Server - Printable Version

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HeRO Ventrilo Server - KrazeEKrakker - 01-24-2009

Would it be possible to get us a vent server?

I use skype to talk to one of my guildies, but I've always been a vent wh0re and think it would be an awesome addition.

If this goes through, I think it would also be nice to have requested guild sections.

Going by how chatty the server is together and how everyone basically knows each other, I'm pretty sure the people with mics would enjoy a vent server, and then the ones without could always listen in when partying to save some people the typing.

What does everyone else think? :D


RE: HeRO Ventrilo Server - Ellie - 01-24-2009



RE: HeRO Ventrilo Server - Bloodbane - 01-27-2009

I insist that we urgently are in need of an OFFICIAL VENTRILO SERVER FOR HERO, People are brushing it off on the simple idea of " oh ha ha look i made a vent for hero ^___^ Nnnn I feel all warm and fuzzy inside"Then
when you go conect to it its neither available or people are like OMG WHOS THAT!! GTFO OUR VENT!!

we don't need cheap Knock offs, we want a server we can depend on with 60 + slots for users.

It be really nice of the Gm team to open a donation box to maintain the server running, and yes il gladly donate: Via mail,pay pal OR W/E

Ventrilo would make the server even MORE better. Think of the Possibilities of even hosting a ventrilo event hum??

RE: HeRO Ventrilo Server - GM-Pandora - 01-27-2009

I said I'd look into it after the hosting, but I have to admit I haven't, specially when nice players offer to host one ^_^;;;

I'll add it to my to-do list (no guarantee)

RE: HeRO Ventrilo Server - Motenai_Ronin - 01-28-2009

Ventrilo Werewolf would be kill3r

Is that possible? I don't know the capabilities of vent

RE: HeRO Ventrilo Server - GM-Pandora - 01-28-2009

Could be funny! Good idea ^_^

RE: HeRO Ventrilo Server - Ryu Van Burace - 01-28-2009

I don't know the werewolf game but I've spoken to someone who does and she wasn't too sure about implementing it. She said problems about identifying who's who and what would happen when the attacks began?
Someone who knows better, could ya come up with a rough idea of how it would work?

RE: HeRO Ventrilo Server - Ellie - 01-28-2009

I don't think it would.
In text, we can always read all the things during the "daytime meetings", where, on voice, it would just get too confused and loud.
We could always have turns speaking, but that sort of ruins the accusation and setting up of others aspect if we cannot rebutt where we want.

And yeah, there is the problem of knowing who was who, too.
As well as if there are prices given, then everyone needs to be found, rather than everyone being right there.

RE: HeRO Ventrilo Server - GM-Pandora - 02-09-2009

Well it would have to be done both in game and on vent, with the people using the same name as their character. So "night time" would be with chat, but day time would be everyone talking (chaotic).