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Why don't you PvP? - Printable Version

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Why don't you PvP? - Sakurato - 02-06-2009

Why don't some of you people PvP?

Want to wait till you're stronger?
Maybe something annoys you?
Hate competition?

what what what?

Answer the poll and after you do, if you want~ please tell us your pick and why!

RE: Why don't you PvP? - Aaronock - 02-06-2009

Regular pvp lately bores me + annoys me. I guess I hate ganging in pvp rooms and bores me cause its not as fun as it useta be for me. I think I'm just over my pvpin' days in there overall =/

RE: Why don't you PvP? - Sakurato - 02-06-2009

yeah it is boring lately, always the same people saying the same things doing the same stuff.

So I am trying to figure out why no one new comes!!

RE: Why don't you PvP? - Guillermo - 02-06-2009

I'm always in the pvp room...well not all day, but I do spend time in there =D I do admit that seeing the same people in there day after day gets kinda boring though.

RE: Why don't you PvP? - azurerogue - 02-06-2009

I <3 PvP, but it's more fun with either tons of people/chaos OR teams v teams (like WoE but with lots more damage!).

I don't PvP on my Creator because I don't want to waste AD. My Lord Knight doesn't even wear equipment, other than his greaves (he's a free spirit), and Albus (while really fun in PvP) gets to annoying that people usually gang up on him after a while T.T

RE: Why don't you PvP? - Herman - 02-06-2009

I dont know how to get to pvp Icon_sad

RE:??Why don't you PvP? - azurerogue - 02-06-2009

Herman Wrote:I dont know how to get to pvp Icon_sad

He really doesn't. One day he sat in Pront asking how to get there and spamming the Cry emote and no one would tell him. It was a sad day.

RE: Why don't you PvP? - Herman - 02-06-2009

YOU PROMISED NEVER TO SPEAK OF THE Cry part of that story!

RE: Why don't you PvP? - teOx - 02-06-2009

combination of theyre scared/they hate conflict for most of them probably. so they must do something cool like hard mvps right? wait...

socializing i guess!

RE:??Why don't you PvP? - azurerogue - 02-06-2009

Herman Wrote:YOU PROMISED NEVER TO SPEAK OF THE Cry part of that story!

My bad, not Cry spamming - he was punching the ground all manly like!

FURY! Dangerous Soul Collect! FURY! Dangerous Soul Collect! FURY!

etc etc etc