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Homun intimacy - Printable Version

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Homun intimacy - Moonito - 04-21-2009

I have an important question:
Does the homunculus lose intimacy if it die in PvP zone?
Please, answer if you are sure of the correct answer Icon_biggrin

Thanks Icon_biggrin

RE: Homun intimacy - KohakuSan - 04-21-2009

Homunculus never lose intimacy on death, just pets. It just starts losing intimacy when it's left on 0 hunger and when you feed it with 10 or less hunger.

RE: Homun intimacy - azurerogue - 04-21-2009

Or when you feed it at over 75 intimacy, I believe.

RE: Homun intimacy - KohakuSan - 04-21-2009

Yeah, that too but I think it's higher, like over 90, not sure. I never keep mine over 35 anyway...

RE: Homun intimacy - Frogboy - 04-21-2009

not intimacy, but hunger is what albus means. you need intimacy to evolve it lol. oh and koha, i love your rofl copter =D

RE: Homun intimacy - azurerogue - 04-21-2009

Yes indeed. Mis-spoke.

RE: Homun intimacy - KohakuSan - 04-21-2009

I meant hunger too. lol