from the Abyss
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Regarding April's calendar...
If you go to the calendar and look at the month of April, 2009 you will find a bunch of random code posted on every day after the first.??If you click one of these codes you will see the "events" for that day which is random crap.??You can also view every day of April, 2009 by clicking here.??You will find everything from a map of the Czech Republic to information on how to crack a Gmail password; from Disney Instrumental Music to Discount Prescription Drugs; from a MySpace band page to Laura Ingalls Wilder's autobiography.??LoL
I wouldn't suggest clicking on anything therein as malware is a strong issue with unknown websites and random hyperlinks, though.
However, what I'm wondering is how this happened.??I've looked around and found out it was GoogleBot which is Google scanning the forums for when people search certain keywords (i.e. - RO, Ragnarok, Ragnarok Online, Hero, etc.).??How does someone gain writing access to??the forums via GoogleBot, though???And, how in the world do they have all of that random information ready to post on some innocent gaming site???Are there really people out there who are that messed up in the head?
I'm confused.??I know there are people out there who like to just mess around with other peoples things, but that is a lot of code!??It must have taken hours if it wasn't done by some bot.
I dunno, I like knowing things and this perplexes me.??I don't understand any of it.??
07-21-2009, 06:24 PM |
from the Abyss
Posts: 1,983
Threads: 133
Joined: Oct 2007
RE: Regarding April's calendar...
Really???I was just looking at birthdays and came across a matrix of random letters when I hit April.??I recalled searching the forums for GoogleBot because I always wondered wtf that was when I saw it on the Online List, and it was mentioned that Google Bot does random crap like that.
I figure it's someone hacking through GoogleBot, but I'm probably wrong.??For all I know it's a bug in GoogleBot's coding.??It thinks it's sending this info back to Google.
But, if that's what people are searching for then I'm saddened.??I saw "Miley Cyrus nude photos" in the huge list of crap.??She's 15 for Christ's sake.??D:
I can understand that some teen-aged girls are attractive, but that's just wrong.??Did you hear about the photojournalist who gave Miley Cyrus a necklace when she was leaving some place???She really loved it because it was one of her favorite things (I remember her saying in the video he recorded she likes peace signs and butterflies and now she has a necklace for both, I forget which he gave her) and gave him a hug.??All I could think was "what a creep.??He's gotta be, like, 30!"??Who buys random gifts for 15-year-old girls they don't know personally anyway???I'll give you a hint!??It starts with pedo- and ends with -phile.??
That's one of the reasons I was so perplexed.??I mean, a great deal of the random stuff GB (GoogleBot) put in there was porn.??This person naked, that person's sex tape.??On HeRO!??But, you mentioned it happens on forums, not just here.??That leads me to believe it's GB messing up not one weird guy.
So, the Internet is full of perverts.??We know this, I just didn't know the extent of it.??X_x
07-21-2009, 07:08 PM |