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Sakray & pet?
sirona Away

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Sakray & pet?
I was wondering if it is normal not to see skills from first class (i.e. aco, thief skills) since the recent update when you are a second class (i.e. priest, sin). I have tired absolutely everything from uninstalling, reinstalling, sak updater, the technique of "read only" file... it just won't update! Icon_cry (I use heRO's most recent full installer). I wasted 3 hours just trying to make sure it is the most recent update. Mad

Then, I tried to open my snow bunny egg today. But... it will not open. (Red letters like it was broken) I suppose it is a glitch or something? Or a GM needs to swap my egg for a new one? Cry
10-18-2009, 10:10 PM
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GM-Ayu Offline

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RE: Sakray & pet?
You need to ask a GM to swap due to conflict with a gravity official pet and the old item ID for old snow bunny egg.

As for not seeing only the first class, try to unequip anything that may give you access to skills that your class shouldn't have. Also, is your class a rogue/stalker?

Updating sakray through any methods may not work anymore, since sakray is abandoned when kRO switched to renewal... you may now need to use ragray. Download ragray from their site, be sure to check renewal, but save all the content to a new folder instead of your heRO folder. Find the "sdata.grf" there, and copy/paste that into your heRO folder. Keep everything else in your ragray folder there for now as you will eventually need it for the future (might as well keep it there instead of downloading it again later).
10-18-2009, 10:23 PM
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GM-Pandora Offline
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RE: Sakray & pet?
The snow bunny is a problem due to the monster ID changing, like Ayu said, just ask a GM in game and we'll trade you a new one.
10-20-2009, 10:35 AM
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